Shadowrun is a cyberpunk-urban fantasy cross-genre role-playing game, set in the years 2050, 2053, 2060 or 2070 (depending on the game edition) following a great cataclysm that has brought use of magic back to the world, just as it begins to embrace the marvels (and dangers) of technologies such as cyberspace, omnipresent computer networks, genetic engineering, and the merger of man and machine called cyberware. Despite its departure in some respects from the "mainstream" cyberpunk genre, Shadowrun is perhaps the best-known and most popular RPG for this genre.
For our group specifically:
Many years ago, starving college students in a cold and wintery land gathered together to spend their evenings weaving tales, eating pizza, and cursing the dice. The ones I can remember are listed here:
Cast of Characters:
Real Name: Brunhilda Avantegarde
Race: Human
Occupation: Lone Star Special Ops, Officer
Clothes: Business Casual, Leather Duster
Weapon: Ares Predator
Motto: What I lack in skill I make up for in enthusiasm!
Real Name: Unknown
Race: Ork
Occupation: Lone Star Special Ops, Sergeant
Clothes: Three piece suit, fedora, and a pair of small gold-plated reading glasses.
Weapon: Assault Canon
Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice
Real name: Unkown
Race: Elf
Occupation: Fire mage
Clothes: Combat boots and pants, tank top, leather duster
Weapon: Her own fiery rage
Pet: A cat named Mr. Fluffers
Real Name: Unknown
Race: Dwarf
Occupation: Samurai
Clothes: Armored kimono, jeans, sandals
Weapon: The enchanted sword of her ancestors
Special Skill: Physical Adept
Real Name: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: Thief and professional snob
Clothes: Fabulous
Weapon: Poison
Greatest Fear: Flaming Jell-o
Interesting fact: Is currently wanted for questioning by Papal
Are you saying that I am Cinder? You are Son-JA or Grunt?
No no no, these are characters that people played when I was at USU, before I met you. So you can read and enjoy them, secure in the knowledge that I'm not somehow poking fun at you.
I'm not going to tell you who I was (besides not being Hildy) you'll just have to come to your own conclusions. If I answer your guess you'll figure it out through elimination. And that's no fun.
i forgot son-ja's battle cry. oh! never mind. die-scum-die!
ha ha, Son-ja is a great character.
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