Wednesday, January 03, 2007

WW's Ranch

To the untrained eye, I spent the New Year's weekend watching the first season of 24. In actuality I was time traveling to the future, where I managed to get this footage from Wonder Woman's New Zealand ranch. Of course, it's disguised as a modern day commercial in order to avoid a paradox that would tear the fabric of space and time destroying all life as we know it because I'm considerate like that.

I also can't help but notice that all of your ranch hands are of the young and male persuasion you naughty girl.


W.W. said...

Why is it suddenly pick on WW day. Hello did you not get the memo. I am suppose to have a faboulous year. Your not helping.

corbeau said...

I just had think inkling that you needed some attention now that you're back in Nebraska. I wouldn't want you to think you'd been forgotten.

W.W. said...

There is good attention and then there is bad atteention. I just wanted to make a point.