Wednesday, February 21, 2007

American Idol: Snooze Fest

Thank heavens for DVR. This was a pretty low start for the top 12 guys. Where on earth did the get their song list? And that background animation screen! I haven't seen those kinds of backgrounds since my last school picture of mandatory humilation.

So let's see, I can't remember their names, but here's my sum up.


Hey! Beat Box Guy can sing!


Ha ha! Teletubby slam!!


Hmmm, the guy that went last was all right.

There you go. My indepth analysis of AI. Tonight we'll see if the girls fair any better.


W.W. said...

Where has your imagination gone too? Watching Idol?!!?? Do I have to enter you into rehab?

corbeau said...

You should really discover the awesome power of the fast forward button. Last night, two hours of Idol got smooshed into one half hour of goodness. The girls were amazing!

Actually, given your fondness for all things Broadway, I'm a little surprised that you don't watch it.

Anonymous said...

i have 3 girl favorites. the backup singer. the last chic and the one with long curly curly hair. they were so on another level from everyone else.

W.W. said...

I just really do hate reality TV!!

corbeau said...

Eliminations: 4 forgettable people were eliminated.

FF time: 1 hour compressed into 17 minutes. Booyah!

W.W. said...

You use to hate Idol they have turned you to the dark side. Run for the hills. Yikes!!