Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Fun

I found this on the awesome TV in Japan website. It's a gameshow featuring the treadmill of doom!

There are four stations set up along an enormous treadmill. Each station has a cookie, and the contestents have to run from station to station and eat the cookies. Each time they eat a cookie, the treadmill gets faster.

It's freaking hilarious.

My favorite part though? The hosts. I love the pose they strike whenever they say "Cookie." I so want to try it. I could try it while standing on the metro platform or something, and I'd say, "Boy, I sure could go for a COOKIE!" *Strike Pose*


Nanette said...

That totally made my day! Ha! My parents and Elle and I watched the whole darn thing! They think you must have a lot of time on your hands.

corbeau said...

Shhhh!! It's my deep, dark, office ninja secret!!