Monday, July 09, 2007

Captain Terror

I've had a request for pictures; so here's the brave Captain guarding my latest book.

And here he is in uniform.


W.W. said...

Just why is this creature who is obviously so cute and adoribal called Captian Terror?

corbeau said...

Have you ever seen an angry orangatan?

Anonymous said...

awwwww.....cute little monkey. can i keep him? i'll hold him and cuddle him and name him "George"

corbeau said...

But then who will guard my books and be my librarian?

Nope. Sorry. He stays with me.

W.W. said...

Be careful what you say. One of my fellow sisters loved that cartoon and ended up marring a guy with the last name of George. I always have to remind her of this fact. It totally makes me laugh.