Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fun Flash Game

From the always amusing tvinjapan.

This is a web capture from a Japanese Flash game. It features Victorian women having a slap-fest. Work out your mad mouse skills and exorcise all those Victorian anger issues.

I like to think of the participants as characters from various works of classic literature.

First screen: Pride and Prejudice.
Elizabeth and the uppity Ms. Bingley.
Let that snobby wench know that her attentions towards Mr. Darcy are unappreciated!

The second: Jane Eyre.
Jane Eyre vs. Just About Anybody.
Jane is mad as the Dickens and she's not taking it anymore!

The third: Rebecca
The Nameless Wonder vs. The Creepy Housekeeper (Mrs. Danvers?)
I know I spent the whole book wishing the girl would stand up for herself.

The fourth: Any Dickens Book
Because he always features creepy, evil, old people.

The fifth, featuring the big boss:
I'll admit I'm at a loss here. I can't think of any obese people from literature.
Does Ursula from Little Mermaid count?

If you want to play the game, you can find it here: Slapfest!


Kristen said...

i tried to get connor to dress up as link but he wouldn't do it. too shy.

i'd rather be staring at people myself, not be stared AT.

corbeau said...

Understandable. That's why I like group costumes. You can sort of distribute the stareage around and face it collectively.