When the bullfighter stands really close to the bull, and gets him to put his head down, and follow the cape, you yell "Ole!"
If the bullfighter throws his spears and misses, everyone booes, and people start yelling out things from the audience. This would be a good time to know Spanish.
When the bullfighter gets to the part where he has to stick a sword down into the bull's back, they have to get the bull to put his feet together and lower his head. This opens a space between the bull's shoulder blades on the matador can stab him.
If he messes up, he has to keep trying until he gets the sword to stick in. The more tries, the more rowdy the audience gets. During our fight, only one of the bullfighters was able to get the entire sword in.
One of Spain's hottest bullfighters is named Cayetano. He's my new boyfriend.

I have a plan based on the Underwear Gnomes from South Park, with the requisite Top Secret Step Two.
1. Learn Spanish
2. ????????????
3. Marriage!
Here's a video of my boyfriend at work.
And here's a video of bullfights in general. They're gory, so consider yourself warned.
What are your gnomes going to do steal his tights?
No, they steal underwear not tights.
Besides, they're not really involved. I'm just helping myself to their business plan.
As tight as those britches were on him, I would have to say that he doesnt wear underwear.
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