Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday Fun: Deep Dark Secret Edition

After I moved to DC I was reading the comic pages in the Washington Post and discovered a soap opera comic I had never seen before.

It was Mary Worth, and I'm hopelessly addicted. I can't help it! I started during the amazing Aldo stalking storyline, where our brave elderly heroine, Mary Worth, was being stalked by a Captain Kangaroo look alike named Aldo, which ended when he got drunk and drove off a cliff to die in a mangled fiery blaze of glory.

This was followed by even more unintentional hilarity when an old lady "psychic" named Ella moved into Mary's living complex (Charterstone), and the two had a war about which old lady meddler would rule the hapless denizens.

Currently, Charterstone is embroiled in the torrid love triangle of Dr. Drew Corey, Dawn and Vera (Oh those wild young people! Will they ever learn?) and which is especially remarkable since it has a minimum of Mary meddling.

This is my deep dark secret. Even after the Post dropped Mary Worth from its pages, I'm still following it online. Fortunately, there are others like me, and so we have this youtube tribute, the Drew and Vera saga.


In case you doubt the awesomeness that was the Aldo Kelrast story line, here's a fun fan movie of Aldo stalking Mary, Benny Hill style:


W.W. said...

Soap Opera comics. Oh well.

corbeau said...

Dude. They're freaking awesome. Last week, Mary was peddling a bike down a path while a dying beagle laid across it.

It was a week of tense, nail-biting drama. Will she hit it? Miss it? Is it dead? Sleeping? Rabid?! WHAT??!!

I think I like it so much because the possibilities I imagine are so very ingriguing.

W.W. said...

I know you write better stuff.