Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bowling Report

I have been assigned a handicap of 81. My handicap is larger than my actual average score.

Last night I developed our team strategy/cheer. "Hit More Pins!" It's relevant to so many of life's little bowling related problems.

Despite my winning strategy, Team Air Strike got hit hard in the first round. This led to much razzing from the winning team. Our Team Captain turned towards us, bowling fervor in his eyes, and with a gruff yet emotional voice said, "This is the round where we kick ass."

"Oh good" said the bowler 2, "because I've been holding myself back all night." Bowler 2 likes to bowl gutters on both sides of the lane, just in case one starts feeling lonely. This bowling philosophy is almost as impressive as my Sniper Bowling.

But I digress.

So after announcing our impending victory, our Captain bowled and knocked a single pin off the back left corner.

The opposing team let out a raucous cheer. One turned to me and said, "Yeah, you're showing us. That was impressive!" In response, I developed our Team Zen Bowling Mantra.

I looked her right in the eye and said, "Bowling Kick-assery begins with the fall of a single pin."

In defense of my cuss word, Kick-buttery sounds like a flaky pastry.

Anyway, our Captain went for his second roll, and got a spare.
Gutter girl got a strike.
I rolled a spare
and our fourth rolled a strike.

There was silence on the other team. "Wow" said teasing opposition girl, "I didn't realize you guys were serious."

It was pretty cool. I rolled my highest bowling score ever: 132, and all four of us managed to break 100 that round. We still lost, but only by 7 points.

Of course, the third round we flopped. Who can bowl three games in a row? Chucking a 9 lbs ball around gets tiring.


W.W. said...

And to think it all started with Toe nail polish. You should paint your toes for this occasion.

corbeau said...

What on earth does painted toes have to do with bowling?

Kristen said...

now you have to develop a dessert with Kick-Buttery in the title.

W.W. said...

Ah you have forgotten the ways of getting you to go bowling? Good thing.

corbeau said...

Hmmm, I do have a really good recipe for sweet potato dumplings that has the most amazing sauce that calls for a full stick of butter. It's soooo good.

As I recall the story WW, you painted your toenails so that I would go to FHE. What a good RS Prez you were. ;)

W.W. said...

Yes and that FHE we went Bowling.

Nanette said...

Hey! I take a two week break and you think you can get away with he salty talk,huh?

corbeau said...

Bwa ha ha ha!! Hi Nan! How's things?