1. Yesterday, I managed to knock down a pin with a freaking gutter ball.
I'm just that GOOD.
The people on the teams to either side of me said it was truly impressive.
2. Today at work, I was given a bag of Amish Friendship Bread.
Right now, it's just a ziplock bag of cold yellow goo with a complicated sheet of instructions.
But after several days of kneading and fermenting at room temperature, it will bake into some delicious bread.
Or so I'm told.
3. Danny O is SLAUGHTERING the Carpenters on American Idol. Make it stop!
4. I got new shoes for my Krav class. They're these cool looking, black suede wrestling mat shoes. Neat!! Because when you're learning to boot people in the head, you should have some good looking shoes on.
5. The third Maximum Ride novel is out in paperback!! I also got the latest Rachel Morgan book, and I'm halfway through Blink. Of course, I'm about to start a big OT project at work, and it's killing me. MUST ... READ....NEW BOOOKS!!
Hmm, do I really need 7 hours a night?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
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you could probably do 5 hours for at least 3 nights before you crashed... :)
I haven't read the latest Maximum Ride yet - maybe i can borrow it from mom... and what are those other two books? hmmm?
also, funny about your instructor. I loved that. :)
I could totally finish Maximum Ride in three nights!!
Blink is a book about the power of your subconscious. Like those instant first judgments that you can't explain, but usually turn out to be right.
Rachel Morgan books are my guilty pleasure. I don't know if I should give a good church going girl like your more info about those.
Rachel Morgan, and Jim Butcher. Those are two that I really like, but that other fans say, "YOU like those?! A Nice Mormon girl like you? What are you even doing reading books like those?!!"
I've been thinking about reading Blink. Let me know if it is any good.
And, you are totally right about the fighting shoes. BTW, was that a reference to the Dr. Demento song? I knew you were awesome :)
I LOVE Dr. Demento! I've memorized all the words to Dead Puppies, Fish Heads, and of course, Boot to the Head.
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