Tuesday, March 25, 2008

North Carolina

My brother has a great patch of land down near Fort Bragg.

It was my first time in North Carolina. I didn't realize that it had so many pine trees. Here's their lake:

And some really nasty vines, which my brother calls "wait a minute" vines. Because that's what you say after they latch on to your clothes, hair, flesh, and then you have to disentangle yourself.

I saw a paratrooper jump, and got to eat some amazing NC bar-b-que. They have a really interesting vinegar based sauce that I loved. I also had some truly amazing hushpuppies.

It was a blast.


W.W. said...

Check out you doing your geography!

Nanette said...

What's a hushpuppy? I'm glad you had such a good time!

corbeau said...

Hushpuppies, they're some sort of deep fried bread thing. Usually I don't really care for them, but these were just small enough that they didn't have the nasty center bit that most hushpuppies have.

Let's see if I can find a better definition. To Wikipedia!!

Hushpuppies or Hush puppies are an American food consisting of small cornmeal breads that are deep fried in a spherical or oblong shape. The usual ingredients include cornmeal, flour, eggs, salt, baking soda, milk, and water, and can include whole kernel corn, onions, and peppers. Sometimes, pancake batter is also used. The batter is mixed well, adjusting ingredients until it is suitably thick. Then the batter is dropped into hot oil (such as vegetable oil). The cook is able to tell that the oil is hot enough when the hushpuppy floats to the surface. The hush puppy is typically fried until golden brown, and then set on a paper towel to absorb some of the oil before it is consumed. They are often eaten with catfish, seafood, or barbecue.