A little late posting this, but BSA got free passes to see “Son of Rambow” which I thought was really cute. I liked it, but I’m also not a parent. I could see how people might not like it. But I thought it was fun to watch two boys make a crazy film. The end is a little abrupt, but everything was resolved so I didn’t mind.
Anyway, we were so tired that we didn’t wake up until the maid knocked to clean up. I got up to answer the door, and she apologized and left. I noticed there was a paper on the floor, and picked it up. It was our check out bill. Since we had prepaid for our hotel, it was blank.
“Hey BSA, we got our check out bill.”
“Anything on it?” she asked sleepily, still buried under a mound of covers.
“Uh, 1 bag of M&Ms”
“I KNEW IT!!!” She came flying out of bed and across the room. “I Knew IT!! I knew they’d put that sucker on our bill!”
By this time I was cracking up, so she figured out I was just kidding.
We checked our bags with the bell boys, checked out, and headed out to Central Park. Central Park is massive, so we only explored a small portion, but I did manage to find the view that shows up in every movie ever that features a scene in Central Park.
After we headed to Madame Taussaud’s, we expected to spend several hours there, but they didn’t have that many wax people. We made it through the whole building in 45.
And that included the break where BSA joined Simon Cowl in absolutely tearing apart some karaoke-singers.
Then we just wandered until it was time to catch the bus. We saw Carnegie Hall, The Soup Nazi store, Radio City Music Hall, the Hershey Store, and the M&M Store. It was a good day, but by the time we got back to the bus I thought my legs were gonna fall off.
was the museum as lame as the one in Los Angeles?
Actually, the one in LA was way better.
okay, just for the record- there was no flying out of bed and across the room- I didn't even leave the bed, though I did pop up (lift my head off the pillow) and yell I knew it! But let's not get too carried away here TA!
Dude, you totally jumped out of bed!! You came over and grabbed the bill while I was laughing remember?
no- i did not get out of bed, remember, i put my head back on my pillow once we had established the fact that you were joking. i didn't look at the bill until i got up to get ready. i remember, do you?
Seriously?! I could have sworn you got up. Clearly, my short term to long term memory connections don't work so well early in the morning. Or even not so early, but after I've just gotten up in the morning. :)
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