Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Restaurant Week: PS7

So last night we ate at PS7 in Chinatown. The restaurant is Fine American Dining, and they had some amazing seafood.

I went with a group of friends, and we sampled many appetizers. I got the smoked salmon wrapped around an endive (a fancy word for lettuce.)

I also got to sample my friends' tuna sliders, which featured spicy tuna tartare on little sesame onion buns, and some Prince Edward Island musells, which were cooked in an ale and mustard broth and were amazing. They were my favorite.

My entree was five spice grilled chicken breast, with black plum dumplings, served on cooked mushrooms. Hmmmmmmm,

and then for my awesome dessert, I got the chocolate cake.

The green spots were some sort of minty sauce (the problem with restaurant week is that by the time dessert comes around, you forget all the descriptions of the stuff that comes with it.) There was also that little spot of creamy thick pudding, which was perfect to offset the rich chocolate.

BSA also insisted that I take a picture of her beignets, (a fancy word for fried dough) served with chocolate and raspberry sauce.)


Nanette said...

I didn't realize what an adventurous eater you are! It looks cool!

corbeau said...

What can I say? I LOVE food. :)

tiff said...

Um, your portions look a little.....little. Do you get full at these places? I don't know what the ninja rules are, but my rules are--Pay good money when you can get good and full (or at least satisfied....I'm not a fan of buffets anymore. Of course, you don't usually pay for quality at those places anyway....)

corbeau said...

Actually the portions were pretty good. I had a whole salmon fillet around salad, an entire chicken breast (not shown) and dessert.

With restaurant week I always come away stuffed. Even when they serve smaller portions, because you're eating all three courses.