Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday AMV

In honor of my skydiving adventure:

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Corbeau in her Ronald McDonald Skydiving Suit of Awesomeness

Saturday we drove out to the middle of nowhere, east of Richmond, and went skydiving. Unfortunately, they only had three tandem instructors, and were running behind, so we spent some quality time hanging out in the hanger on a hot August day.

But at last, it was our turn to go up. Since there were four of us, they split us into two flights. My roommate, The Starving Artist and I went on the first flight, and I jumped with Instructor Dave. The rest of the plane was filled with a group of formation jumpers.

Dave and I were the last to jump out of the plane, and after being hooked up to him, I would say the most difficult part was walking up to the door. I had to drop my weight and then we sort of waddled.

There was a bar, but I was worried I'd forget to cross my arms over my chest so I just started that way. Dave said "1..2.." and then we were out. He said I gave an impressive scream. Between the adrenaline and trying to remember all the things I was supposed to do with my body, I don't even remember screaming.

He flipped us so we were free falling backwards, and we could watch the plane flying away from us. That was cool.

Then we were free falling, which was a lot of fun. Dave took us through some spins, and then he had me watch the altimeter so I could pull the cord at 5,500 ft. I was trying to be exact though, and I must have waited too long and Dave pulled the cord.

Going from 120 mph to the slow glide of the parachute is quite the sensation. This morning, I can feel where every harness was around my body.

As we glided, Dave showed me how to control the chute, and we did some turns and spins, and he took me through a cloud, which was really cool.
See the speck below the blue canopy? That's me.

It was a beautiful day and we jumped over some really pretty country. The other cool thing was feeling the temperature change, growing warmer and more humid the closer you came to the ground.

We landed and made a perfect landing.

It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ground Defense

This week is ground fighting in Krav Maga. Ground fighting always leaves me black and blue, since it requires all kinds of force pushing you in all kinds of places.

Today we learned how to defend a headlock while mounted, and my sparring partner was a man who was at least twice my weight.

At least. I mean, when I was the attacker, straddling his stomach, my knees didn't quite touch the ground.

I didn't mind too much though, since ground fighting is the one instance where the instructors like you to practice with someone who is bigger than you, since another name for "ground defense" could be "rape defense."

It was much more difficult to flip him though. Possible, but much more difficult. It required explosive bursts and twists off the ground, plus quick recovery and attack in order to make it work. It was good experience though, since I learned some physics tricks to help in that situation. But I am black and blue all over.

I was going to stay an extra hour today and take the Level 1 class, but my right leg (which took the brunt of the class) informed me that it was a bad idea.

So now I'm home, with a bowl of cereal and ice pack. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday AMV Late

Ugh, sorry things have been slow. Work's been insane.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I really need to find a way to incorporate zombies into my research.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Krav Maga Hybrid

There were only 3 of us that attended the fit class Sat morning, so the instructor had us finish up with something new. Something he called, "The Krav Maga Hybrid."

The three of us ran behind his car, pushing it around the building.


Why does any building need three speed bumps anyway?

Monday AMV

I finished XXXholic over the weekend. I'm sad there's only one season, I was starting to really like it. I have a friend that's going to let me borrow the manga though.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Krav Report

Last night, we learned how to head butt.

Head freaking butt.

It was fun, but if its done properly and full force, you can only rep 4 or 5 of them before you start getting loopy.

I have to admit that the streak of mad scientist in me finds the thought of breaking someone's nose with my massive cranium very satisfying. In fact, I think this calls for some evil laughter.

Mwa ha ha ha.

We also learned a defense to being grabbed from behind. In an effort to make it more realistic, we had to stand with our eyes closed and wait for random attacks, because the defense is meant to work when you are off balance. If you're anticipating the attack, you don't get off balance.

Well, I definitely wasn't anticipating because I got pulled to the ground and found myself fighting from an awkward kneeling position. But the instructor was pleased, since a mess up showed that I was training properly.

When it was my turn to be a roving attacker, I actually managed to take a big guy to the ground.
I had to jump to even reach his neck, and figured he would probably just shake me off but what figured, "Why not?"

I jumped, grabbed and next thing I know he was on his butt on the ground.

Usually the attacker grabs the neck and pulls back, but since I jumped all the pull went straight down and he lost his balance.

Judging by the amount of times he came to thank me for giving him "good training" I'm guessing he doesn't get taken down very often. But he was grateful because he never thought about dealing with a jumper and, quite frankly, that's about how 80% of people would have to attack him.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday AMV

I'm totally enjoying Soul Eater.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

GI Joe

Not as bad as Batman and Robin.

But its pretty bad.

Some of the dialogue is laugh out loud awful, and most of the time the story line is pretty silly, but the action scenes are cool if you don't think about them too much (how are they screaming under water? And, for that matter, how are so many things burning? Under water? Don't think about it. Just don't think about it.)

Anytime the ninjas were on screen it was cool. Snake eyes was awesome, and his fight scenes with Storm Shadow were intense.

The rest...well, try not to think about it too much, or you'll find yourself wondering just how someone becomes a low level maintenance tech on a sonic pulse cannon hidden on a secret evil base deep in the arctic ocean.

Seriously, did they place a want ad? Craig's list? Evil Merchant Marine?

Also, if you eject while the plane is currently out of the atmosphere don't you just...die? Float and die?

These are just some of the questions I pondered during the course of the movie, despite my attempts at trying not to think about it.

Also, that whole, "I was forced to do it by the millions of tiny, evil, nano machines in my brain" is like the oldest line in the book. Its up there with the twinkie defense.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


I've been trying not to write too much about television, but tonight is the big finale!! I want anyone who's not Evan to win. I like Evan, he's cute and all, but the other three are all better dancers than he.

I loved the Matrix Paso Doble.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Workplace Fun

I got into a Sound of Music lyric quoting contest with a friend at work.

Unfortunately, I lost when I couldn't remember the stinking line that ends in "Schnitzels with Noodles."

Sad, I know.

WARNING: Extended focus and concentration on Sound of Music lyrics will create a brainworm that only Britney Spears can kill.