Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake in Virginia?

I was working in the lab when there was this loud rumble and the building started shaking. My first thought was that they must be blowing up something big on the demolition field, but the building started rolling and I knew it was an earthquake.

I went through a pretty bad earthquake in California, so I was one of the few who knew what was happening. Its probably good, because the two techs who were with me had no idea what was going on. We were in an aisle with giant superglue cabinets so I was like "Earthquake! Get to the door!" I helped hurry them along, since I was the farthest in and right next to a window, and didn't want to get squished.

Nothing fell or broke however. They made us evacuate until the building could be inspected, so we got to spend an hour baking outside.

Once we got the all clear, they let us back in, but everyone was pretty much fried, and worried about their homes and families so they let us go early. I was a little worried about my house, but when I got home everything was fine. My garbage can didn't even tip over.

My friends in Fredericksburg said that some of their stuff had tipped over or fallen off the walls, but nothing serious.


Nanette said...

Yea! I'm so glad you're OK! I was worried about everyone I know there!

(and way to be a team leader!)

W.W. said...

Way to lead the way oh fearless one!