Thursday, May 18, 2006

Historical Reading Update

From the excellent biography on Elizabeth I by Alison Weir.

Mary Queen of Scots puts herself on the fast track for beheading by joining a plot to help Phillip II, King of Spain, overthrow Queen Elizabeth and restore England to Catholiscm.

Good thing I already know how this turns out. But I still find myself saying "Elizabeth!! What are you doing! For pity's sake don't ignore the Spaniards!!"

Although I do like how she encourages Drake to rob them blind and then when she's confronted by the Spanish Ambassador, pretends that as a mere and simple woman, how could she possibly control that rogue Drake, the naughty boy.


W.W. said...

Did I ever tell you about my excentric Women in European History class. Any way the teacher just loves her Queen Elizabeth I to a point of worship. Needless to say when I see Queen Elizabeth I that is who comes to mind.

corbeau said...

Hey Elizabeth I was a fascinating woman. Intelligent, politically astutue, wicked temper. She's definitely worth studying.

W.W. said...

Yes there is studing, and then there is pushing the envelope way to far. As in Elizabeth I watches, shirts and other items of decoure that really should not be worn.

corbeau said...

Can I dye my hair red in celebration of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

W.W. said...

Go ahead, I dont have to see it every day. Do as your little heart desires.

corbeau said...

What?? I look hot in red hair.

W.W. said...

You can take that however how you want it. Like I said I will not be there to judge, besides there is different degrees of red and it all depends upon how far you are going to take this.

corbeau said...

I believe the technical term is "auburn"