Monday, January 29, 2007

Nan and "This Guy"

1. I have seen Firefly. Excellent series. I'm a fan of Mr. Whedon, and am currently enjoying his run on Astonishing X-men. He's also producing a comic of Buffy: Season 8.

2. I'm not going to LA. I watch 24, and so I know that LA is constantly being bombed, gassed, nuked, and overrun with wild cougar. If I want to visit a city that Hollywood is constantly trying to destroy, I'll go to NY.

3. Nan did tell me about This Guy (TG) but she needs to work on her marketing skills. She said you need a picture of me, even though my mouse in helmet is awfully cute. From the pictures she has of TG, I'm tempted to send the photo taken after my knee surgery, however, I like this one better.


W.W. said...

You hot little mix!! Do it!!

corbeau said...

Do what? Call forth the very fires of hell as I prepare for serious hacking and whacking?

Kristen said...

you so totally rock.:)

boxpilot said...

who is TG anyways? he's probably lame. you should send him the knee surgery picture . . .

corbeau said...

Kristen: Thanks!

corbeau said...

boxpilot: I have no idea who TG is. I'm sure he's nice, but I'm against blind dating as a rule.

I still haven't recovered from the trauma that is. . . Hot Dog Guy.

Nanette said...

do tell all about "Hot Dog Guy"

W.W. said...

Well you have defently started something.