BSA's laptop has displayed all the longevity of a lemming as various internal bit and pieces commit electronic seppuku. However, every trip to tech support has only led to more problems. Since she bought it, the laptop has spent more time at the tech service than at home.
Today, using my ninja skills, I discovered why this poor little laptop has such problems.
I always knew that the tech department was covering for something.
ah ha... this answers all my questions!
ok, this is probably totally off the subject, but this girl just completed her first ninja-apprentice assignment. the ninja in charge (NIC) said, you must crawl into the dark cave and search among the lakes and rocks until you reach the holy white carboard rock. inside is the coveted book of shadows which will give you all knowledge of ninja masters. after searching for hours and hours, white rock after white rock, encountering deadly spider corpses and nasty, creepy things too awful to mention, and many mutterings of the apprentice, the book of shadows was discovered in a blue plastic rock underneath mountains and mountains of fake shadow books. the apprentice returned to the NIC gave the book to her and tried not to notice the NIC's sniggerings
I'm told such quests build character and important ninja skills. Plus I'm pretty sure the undead guard spiders just wanted to be friends. It gets lonely in that dark cave I'm sure.
You did such a good job apprentice, that you're welcome to any of the shadow books that strike your fancy.
the apprentice thinks her own magical bag of tricks would be an appropriate reward. =P
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