In fact, due to some serious flight issues stranding everyone in Johannesburg, (who knew Dar Es-Salaam was such a hot ticket?) they had almost a whole day's lead, which prompted the producers to cancel their ferry due to "weather."
The fact that they showed some fluffy clouds zipping speedily across the camera to demonstrate the "bad weather" was really just icing on the cake.
Since Team Crazy were negotiating flights in South Africa, Mirna whined at the agent with an Italian accent, while Charla creepily slid under the counter and into her cubical. As an office ninja/cubical drone, my first reaction would be to defend my oh-so-limited turf. But they never do, Mirna keeps wandering into desk space and the agents keep taking it. I would pay good money to see an agent order her to stay behind the freaking counter.

I'm going to have to ask you to stay behind the counter ma'am.
So this episode had everyone scrambling for flights, with the poor suckers who actually waited in line coming in almost a full day behind the front running teams. Terri and Ian struggled with their fish puzzle and were eliminated. They didn't even seem that despondent, just really tired.
The Cubans are currently my favorite team running. With their happy go lucky attitudes and wise cracks (Yeah for Project Runway joke!) they're always fun to watch.
So is this the dew you are sporting now? I new that you would surcome to black skin tight outfits. My how the heads must turn as you walk down the street. The whole gun thing I could do with out.
Actually, my hair is long enough for a pony tail now, and the outfit doesn't work without the gun.
Or at least a katana.
Yes, but someday you are going to asserize with the katana and add a whimple. Scary!!
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