Many have tried to be the Next American Idol.
They tried and failed?
They tried and died.
Sorry, something about watching Sanjaya's horrible attempt at sexy made me feel like I was undergoing some viscious test of willpower. Like sticking my hand in a pain box or transmuting the water of life. I'm better now.
I guess one good thing about his performance was that it led to the insta-fame of a sobbing little girl who got more air time than say, Uchenna and Joyce on Amazing Race. She made the Washinton Post today. You go little girl. I'm guessing you're either thrilled or moritified, depending on your personality.
Let's see, the British Invasion brought us a whole lot of ballads, which means lots of Fast Forwarding.
I correctly identified Lakisha's number as a Bond song, I enjoyed Gina's rock even though her vocals aren't the greatest, and Blake was the best male vocal of the evening.
And of course, the lovely Melinda Doolittle. Entertainment Weekly has dubbed her Mindy Doo, which is lots of fun to chant at the screen. Mindy Doo! Mindy Doo!
She chose a song from Oliver! though, which is a little strange. You need to be a little more contemporary Mindy Doo. Pick a song that's getting air time on the radio, so you don't loose the kiddie vote.
Haley risked the pity vote by vamping it up. However, her inablity to sing staccatto or look anything less than perky made her rendition of "Tell him" made the whole performance rather...odd.
What did you guys think?
UPDATE: Curse you Crying Girl Tweeners!!! Curse YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!
I heard today on the radio that their is some kind of consperisy going on to keep this guy on TV. Shows you just how easily some people will follow the rest of the pack.
Yeah, it's called "Vote for the Worst." They're voting for him because they hate American Idol, not because of peer pressure.
On the other hand, there's a girl staging a hunger strike until Sanjaya is voted off.
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