Monday, April 16, 2007

Amazing Race-Ninja Edition

After watching this week's episode, I'm going to have to add a Hong Kong Action Movie Tour to my list of possible vacations.

It rocked.

We started off with airport shenanigans and fighting between the teams. The Schmirna's continued to violate the cubicle boundaries of ticket agents, while the Cubans upset me by conspiring with Team Crazy to help them pull ahead of Team Frat.

Sure Eric and Danielle are annoying, but they can't touch the sheer irritation factor of The Schmirnas.

The Cubans got on the first flight and the Fast Forward, which required them to strap in while a driving stuntman flipped their car. Fun!! What a cake walk fast forward. Last season, the FF at this point of the show forced contestants to eat a plate of cow lips. Many of which still feautred teeth and bits of leftover cow mustache. Gross.

But for those coming after, they got to scale 11 stories of bamboo scaffolding while avoiding pairs of fighting ninjas!!!


What a great job. Here, we're going to rig safety lines, and all you have to do is spar on bamboo scaffolding. Sweet.

And bonus points to the BQs, since one of them managed to land a kick on a nearby ninja.

The awesomeness only continued when the racers went to an old building rigged with dramatic doors. One well placed kick and doors burst from hinges while racers searched for clues.

And when The Schmirnas took a taxi all the way to Hong Kong island, and then got on the ferry going the wrong way, and they asked that girl for directions, and you could tell she was totally trying not to laugh as she politely pointed out that the island they just left was the island that they were looking for... that was nice.

And then Frat Boy went and blew it by refusing to hire a cab to follow. When they were in last place. In Hong Kong.

If I may quote Napolean Dynamite here: "Idiots!"

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