Friday, July 13, 2007

Harry Potter and TOP

I really liked this movie. Three is still my favorite, but this once comes in at a close second.

I thought they did a really good job of pairing down 870 pages worth of story into 2 and half hours. It was tight, it hit all the high points, and you could understand the storyline even if you haven't read the book in a couple of years. *cough cough*

They toned down Harry a bit, so while he's still angry, he's not Harry the Constant Rage Boy.

There were some parts of the book that weren't included that I missed, but that's always going to happen, so it didn't bug me too much.

The things I really liked:

The death horses: They were amazing. They looked real. It was some amazing CGI

Luna Lovegood: Whoever cast her was a genius. That weird little Irish girl stole every scene she was in.

Helena Bonham Carter: Continues her reign as "Best Actress to Play A Crazy Person." She has so much fun being so crazy and evil, with her awesome wicked/crazy laugh, that she also dominates the few scenes she has.

Ginny Weasley: I can't remember if she even has a line, but she manages to communicate a whole lot with a few startled glances. Speaking of Ginny...

The Prophecy Room: Was amazing. The battle inside it was also fun and intense, and the scene where Ginny brings the whole thing crashing down... absolutely gorgeous.

The last fight between The Order and The DeathEaters, and Voldemort and Dumbledore was also very good. It went by so fast though, that I'd like to see it again to catch everything that was going on.


Kristen said...

finally saw it yesterday! It WAS good, although the dumbledore/voldemort fight at the end was not how I wanted it to be. (the statues!) Ginny was fantastic, I agree. And i think that Gary Oldman rocked some scenes.

corbeau said...

I read that there was a big duel between him and HBC that got cut for time. Such a bummer.