Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Navy Question

My sister asked me if there were any Navy slang-words for puke on my ship. I wrote her an answer, and thought it was fun enough to post here.

No, they'd just pass out little garbage bags to tie to your belt, and chant "You spew it you clean it" as they handed them out.

So if you felt sick, you'd grab your bag, puke, and then wobble your way to the weather decks so you could throw it over the side. (The smell of puke in small, enclosed metal rooms was not encouraged)

I never got sick, but I imagine that being sick, then carrying your bag and trying to move through the ship during rough seas wasn't fun.

Of course, trying to mop up sloshing puke while the ship pitches and rolls would be even less fun.

Sometimes it would get so bad, and people would get so sick that they had to be confined to their racks. (This happened on the way to Puerto Rico, when we hit 15 foot swells)

I never got sick (who knew my failure as a gymnast would translate to success as a sailor?) and I always thought the rocking feeling was really nice when I was trying to fall asleep.

We did have a fun nickname for shipwide drug testing. It was called Operation: Golden Flow. You would see long lines of people waiting for their turn to pee in front of the MAA (Master at arms) chugging cola and waiting to the last possible minute before raising their hand and saying "Me!! Take me now!!" While doing a version of the "I gotta pee" pose.

It's really hard to go when someone's staring at you. The only way to do it is to get your bladder so full that you no longer care.


Nanette said...

The correct term is actually, "the potty dance"

corbeau said...

Ha ha! Not manly Navy men. Not if you don't want to get beat up.