Monday, September 17, 2007

R.I.P Robert Jordan

It looks like he had just started on the 12th book in the Wheel of Time series when he succombed to a rare blood disease.

I've read books 1-6, but then I gave up after the only character I was really interested in died. I know people who are huge fans of his work, though, and they're going to be so upset.

It would be hard to follow a story for so long, and never be able to find out how it ends.


W.W. said...

I saw that today that he had passed away and that is exactly is what I thought. Maybe he has an out line somewhere, that will be published years down the road for a huge sum of money.

Kristen said...

wait, who died? dang it, i can never keep track of all those characters. craig started just reading the parts about Matt after book 8 or so. :)

corbeau said...

It was the little witch woman. (I can't remember her name, I haven't read them since high school.) But I thought she was so cool, and then she sacrificied herself for Rand and all the other characters shrugged it off with a "Whoops, someone else died to save our ingrate hero. Must be Tuesday" attitude. Drove me bonkers.

I wanted the bad guy to win, just to stop Rand's eternal whining. I can't remember ever hating a main character the way I hated him. (although the little girl in the Golden Compass series came close.)

Is Matt the wolf guy or the lucky guy? They were both pretty cool.

W.W. said...

Matt was the lucky guy. I think Peron is the wolf guy, but I am with you, I had to stop reading them because Rand was driving me nutts.