Monday, September 29, 2008

Amazing Race

How excited are we that the Amazing Race is back!!???

I LOVE this show. I like watching them go to all those cool places to do crazy local customs that you'd never see as a random tourist.

This week, they flew to Brazil, and had to navigate these candy carts that looked like little semis through cobblestone streets. Then they slept overnight in the jungle, and the next day had to choose between climbing stone steps on there hands and knees (we totally guessed that the mystery question would be: How many steps did you just climb?) or riding to the top of an outdoor elevator, and then climbing back down on over 200 feet of cargo net.


It's still too early for me to have a favorite to cheer. Or even to know who anyone is. The most distinctive couple was the elderly hippie bee keepers, but they came in last and got eliminated.

Also, I'm not entirely sure which one he is, but I suspect the whiniest man ever to play the game is on this season.

Do you guys have a favorite?

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