Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tropical Storm Venue

The rain started Friday night around 5, and just kept pouring for the next 24 hours. At least, I noticed it had stopped around 5. It had been raining so long, the sound of it had faded into the background.

Several parts of Alexandria flooded, but we were lucky, and the only damage we had was a slightly swampy backyard. I waited out the storm with a book, only venturing out for some emergency cupcake wrappers. (It was the Starving Artist's bday party Sat.)

When I left for Wolftrap, it was actually really nice outside, and since no one was outside, I had the most pleasant trip I've ever had on the beltway. I was still late though, because I got on the wrong loop of the beltway, and they were playing the overture as I entered the park.

I found my seat by the opening song, and really enjoyed the show. The seats were covered, so they were dry, and there was a nice breeze blowing through.

Les Miserables was awesome. The last time I saw it I was 18, and on my Senior trip in New York City. Our seats were way up in the nose bleeds and all the way over to the left. So I could see into stage right. It was pretty cool. The thing I remember most was when Fantine cut her hair, and she ran off stage, and the prop people rushed over, stuffed her hair under a short hair wig, spun her around and sent her back on stage.

My seats for this performance were much better. The performers were amazing, especially the two male leads. They had these amazing painted backdrops that were digitally projected so they could do all kinds of cool things with them. My favorite was during "One Day More" while everyone was marching, they made it look like the street was receding behind them.

Does that make sense? It looked like they were marching through the streets of Paris. That sentence is much better.

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