Whiny man is gone!!!!!! WHINY MAN IS GONE!!!!
And all because is picky, overly-sensitive, vegetarian self couldn't wolf down Sheep Butt Fat stew.
It was exciting that both teams risked the fast forward, but Whiny-Man team should have left the minute they saw it was a food challenge.
Plus the Mom and Son team were rocking it this week! I loved that they had so much fun with their cow costume. I loved the Mongol warriors, and that Gold Eagle was beautiful.
So all and all a good week!
Now we just need to lose the Frat boys and all the annoying people will be gone.
Was basically a big long flashback to show us all how EEEeeeeeeeeevvvvil Pa Petrelli is.
Remember way back when was Heroes was actually good and Linderman the mob guy was the only ridiculous thing about the Petrellis?
Well Pa Petrelli placed a hit on Nate, (his son) because Nate, as a DA, was going after Linderman.
Ma Petrelli disagreed and with the help of the Haitian, poisoned Daddy-O, but was unable to kill him all the way dead.
And this little bit of family drama resulted in the convoluted mess we have today.
Seriously, that's all they explained.
Except that Pa was rewriting Ma's brain everytime she disagreed with him. Which makes her a little more sympathetic, but she's still pretty evil all on her own.
Oh wait! We did learn that Fire Mom is Blue Flamey Guy's sister, and that she worked for the company briefly, until she helped her brother escape and the resulting firefight (literally) between those two and the company agents caused the train fire where Claire first used her ability to save a firefighter.
That part was cool.
Let's see, at the very end Hiro woke up to find Future Seeing Guy dead, because apparently his powers conveniently stopped working. Pa Petrelli then proceeds to attack/kill Hiro.
Let's hope he fares a little better. Although if they had the bad guys win and ended the series, I'd have to give them props for an ending no one saw coming.
Monday, November 17, 2008
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