Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ninja Report!

This week has been a little crazy.

Thursday night we went into DC to see the Sheng Wei dance troupe. Sheng Wei is the guy who choreographed by the same guy who did the opening ceremony for the Olympics. The floor was covered in what looked like little colored rocks, making a beautiful pattern of red, blue, white, and yellow. Like a sand painting from the Western deserts. Once the dancers came out I realized that it was actually colored confetti, and as the dancers moved through it, it would splash up in little waves of color. As the dance got bigger, the dancers would move and roll across the ground, and the confetti would cling to the dancers, and then sprinkle off as they moved. Soon, each dancer was accompanied by their own personal shower of glittery colory rain.

It was amazing beautiful.

Friday I wore my ninja costume to work. Apparently a ninja making copies or working on at a computer is inherently hilarious because anyone who walked by while I was actually working started cracking up.

Just about everyone said it was an awesome costume though. After I got home, I went to a couple of Halloween parties in the neighborhood. There were pictures taken, but not by me. (Ninja uniforms lack pockets) I'll try and get some copies, so you can see how awesome I looked.

Today has been really nice, so I went for a bike ride with BSA. My bike is a 100 dollar Wal-mart special, but it worked out all right.


Nanette said...

ooh! I can't WAIT for pictures!

W.W. said...

Yeah. Cant wait for the pictures!! What did the BSA go to work as?

corbeau said...

She went as a blood sucking accountant. But for the parties she dressed up as a witch.