Friday, September 15, 2006

An explanation

I was slumbering peacefully last night, when all of a sudden the next part of the story just blossomed in my mind, unfolding in intricate detail.
Yes! I cried as I sat up. Then I looked at the clock, which said 4:00. No!! I cried, because I hate waking up that early.
The only explanation for such an inspiration at such an evil hour of the morning is an attack by Robin McKinley's story pixies. These offensive creatures have supposedly caused her to rewrite and publish the story of Beauty and the Beast three times in a row. I can only assume that they take delight in disrupting perfectly good sleep cycles as well.
However I will not be vicitimized by these fiendish fairies. I must find a way to get them whisper their plot lines during normal business hours.

Also, before I post the Acronyms, I want to point out that as the mere author to a Choose Your Own Adventure, I am merely a humble servant to the wishes of my readers. All 5 of you. And you guys were the ones who stated that you wanted a love scene in the story. And you guys were the ones who chose WW's story next. So WW, when you read this and fly into a murderous rage, I just want you to target the appropriate people.


TA: The Author
BSA: Blood Sucking Accountant
DFL: Dictator for Life
WW: Wonder Woman
SB: Skater Boy
DOAC Park: Dude on a Column park


W.W. said...

This was decided with out my knowledge. Honestly people of social power are just so much better at the love scenes. Besides my job is just to provide the muscle of the outfit with fine thinking skills. Not to go out my heart all tangled up. It just will not do.

corbeau said...

Hey you voted for your story next. It's right there in the comments. And BSA and DFL requested a love scene. Things just sort of happened from there.

Anonymous said...

death to all pixie story fairies! they need to learn diplomacy and the 8-5 rule. =) ww in a romantic encounter? i wait in anticipation!

Anonymous said...

okay, can we say jealousy?!? i wanted the love scene! and albeit that i was given a hottie to suck on for a while, i am extremely jealous that ww gets the hunky man in lederhosen to come hold me tight!! good thing it was only a dream, or i really would have had to pitch a fit! ww- i never would've thought you'd have dreams like that- you make me proud!! well done ta- this is definitely a classic!

W.W. said...

Better be careful there BSA your turning a little green. Besides this man obiviously would have smothered you.

DFL said...

Dear WW,

TA says I need to teach you how to have a love scene without getting your heart tangled. It's called a NCMO: non-committal make-out session. BSA might have some helpful tips as well.

Best regards,

W.W. said...

This is why I would fail as Dictator. I have too much of a heart. The heros always do. That is there weakness.

W.W. said...

Yeah you would just love that. I cant wait until you meat your Julies Caesar.