Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fascinating Medical Study of the Day

From the Washington Post:

Of course, after reading this I had to measure my fingers and determine my digit ratio.
Left Hand: Right Hand:
Index: 6.7 cm Index: 7 cm
Ring: 6.7 cm Ring: 6.7 cm

Hmmm,so I have "High 2D:4D on the right hand and equal 2D:4D on the left. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I guess it's a good thing I reserve my right index finger for really serious pointing and deadly snake katas.
Of course, I like the low ratio indicator of athletic prowess, but I always thought that had more to do with my knee anyway.


W.W. said...

Which means you are very athletic. You might want to call them on that. I know in your heart you are and I have seen signs of you being an athelet, but your body just screems nnnnnnnoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

corbeau said...

Well... as we all know I do have cat quick reflexes.

W.W. said...

When it comes to the Dr.