Monday, February 04, 2008

Snow Stories

Apparently, Utah and Idaho have been getting loads of snow. Which seems odd to me, since it's been really nice here. I have acclimated to tiny amounts of snow.

My sister was telling stories about taking her kids sledding. And I learned a rather shocking revelation that not only does she not like going fast, she also does not like falling down.

For me, going fast and falling down is the whole point of sledding/tubing/skiing in the first place.

When I was at USU, we had bits of an old kiddie pool that we used to sled down Old Main Hill. You'd grab your little piece of plastic, try to center yourself on it, and then slide down the hill. I always tried to stay on until I reached maximum speed, then abandoned ship (or plastic) yelling "AS YOU WISH" and I tumbled end over end down the rest of the hill.

Of course, I'm willing to accept that this might not be normal sledding behavior.

Although, since Old Main was so steep and icy, it was really hard to stop. So every winter the school would put up a wall of hay bales at the bottom of the hill to prevent you from shooting into oncoming traffic. So if you stayed on until the bitter end you smacked face first into the enormous stack of frozen hay bales.

This not only hurt, but didn't offer any opportunity to shout lines from The Princess Bride. So I stand by my abandon-roll sledding style.


Nanette said...

That sounds really scary and painful. Even though you couldn't shout lines from The Princess Bride after you hit the hey (ha!) you probably did shout some choice lines anyway. :)

corbeau said...

That's what makes it fun! And as long as you were careful it didn't hurt.

Ha, yes, I'm full of choice lines. :)

Kristen said...

that has to be my favorite story all winter. I'll be replaying the visual in my head for weeks to come! :)