Saturday, July 05, 2008


I can't wait to see this movie.

Last week I saw Hancock, which was pretty good. A Will Smith comedy wrapped around a surprisingly tragic love story. I was thoroughly entertained. It has quite a bit of swearing though, for those of you with urchins.

I also saw Wall-e, which I loved. Only Pixar could make a cockroach look cute. Although it wasn't working for the guy behind me, who would "Eww" everytime the bug came on screen.

It's a pretty dark view of humanity's future, but it still comes off as a hopeful movie. There's hardly any dialogue, but with his huge expressive eyes, Wall-e doesn't really need a lot of dialogue.

My favorite? Mo and the crazy robot brigade.


W.W. said...

I am excited too.

Nanette said...

My favorite was all the humans rolling from one side of the ship to the other!

corbeau said...

HA HA HA!! I totally forgot about that part.