Thursday, March 05, 2009

Rainbow Trout Fu

Last night, in Krav, we had a drill where you had to fight off four attackers, while defending your helpless partner. (Once again I was the only woman there)

When I was the defender, one of my attackers tried to put me in a head lock. But when he tried it I just popped out and then attacked him from behind. It surprised me and him, but then everyone was trying to put me in a headlock (I don't know if the instructor told them to or not) and everytime I slipped right out without even trying to hard.

Part of me was like "YEAH!! You all may be bigger and stronger than me, but none of you are as slippery as me!"

Finally one of the third level guys managed to get me in the hold and lock it before I could wiggle out and I performed the proper technique.

Also, at some point my hair band got pulled out and my hair went into full dandelion puff mood. I couldnt' see a thing.


Nanette said...

I'm glad to know that if I'm ever somewhere with you, I'd be the helpless partner, and you'd know how to escape and come to my rescue!
I also love the mental image of your dandelion puff :)

corbeau said...

All I ask is that you at least run away from the bad guys. My "significant other" just stood there and let himself get constantly attacked.