Tuesday, June 02, 2009

School and Yankees

I have a class every day through Wednesday this week. Its a good class, but 8 hours of focused training a day can be really draining. The instructor is from Mississippi and in an effort to keep us awake and paying attention, he occasionally attempts to teach us proper English.

Cuz even though we all live in Virginia, we might as well be Yankees since we can't talk right.

Perhaps the most useful lesson has been that you can pretty much say what you want about someone as log as you tack a "bless their heart" on the end of it.

We've been split into teams, and my team amuses ourselves by changing our name constantly. It started when we couldn't agree on a name, so we changed it, but now its become a running joke. We wait for when the instructor is away, or not paying attention, and then steal the paper with all the teams on it, and change our name.

My favorite so far have been

Team Flip Up
Chasing Waterfalls
The Team Formerly Knows as Freak-a-Leaks

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