This is turning out a little longer than I thought it would, so I'm posting it in installments.
Once the whole thing is posted, there will be options and a chance to vote.
When we last left our heroes, they had managed to secure the chicken house with the use of Extreme Home Makeover Pixies and Cookies. The pixies did such a good job however, that the girls felt like they couldn't just hand the house over to the evil witch. I mean, she probably wouldn't even CRY. So they decided to rescue WW and steal the house.
Dusk in an enchanted forest is a time of power. As the sun sets and the shadows grow the tricksters come out to dance and play. A few tenacious rays grasped at outlying tree branches, stretching ever thinner to the horizon. WW knew exactly how they felt. She had tried everything to rid the mountain witch from her back and yet she, a princess of the Amazons, had been herd-ridden throughout this accursed forest. Her muscles burned and cramped as she continued to slog, magic bidden, on the witch’s errand. An intense pain flared through her chest with each breath. She felt dizzy and disoriented, and she was certain that the fireflies were using their lights to spell out dirty words. Well she would not allow this outrage against common decency to stand! Once freed from her geas, she would lead an Amazonian Censor Review Board that would take the shine right out of those miserable little bugs. She swore it on her honor as an Amazon.
A slightly more rational part of WW’s mind wondered if she had a concussion.
There was the sharp twang of a trip wire and suddenly the weight of the witch was gone from her back. WW stopped running, dropped to her knees, and then fell full length on the forest floor. She had a brief moment to revel in the sheer ecstasy of not moving before she passed out.
TA felt a fierce flash of triumph as her tripwire slapped the witch from WW’s back. The old woman fell with a shriek of rage as TA threw four poison smoke balls after her. The witch bounced once and rolled to her feet, her deft movements at odds with her old crone appearance. She whirled her staff around her, gathering the poisonous smoke clouds and dispersing them harmlessly with her magic. She searched the surrounding trees, but TA had already disappeared into the dusk.
“Well well, little warrior” the crone growled, “it takes skill to sneak up on me.” The witch’s eyes took on a golden hue, her hair floating madly around her as she gathered her power. “Of course, you’re not the only one who gains strength from the night.” Again she scanned the surrounding trees, stopping at TA’s hiding spot she smiled and pointed a finger. The tree exploded.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Horse Research
Hey Wonder Woman!
Here is my first report on my extensive google search on the world of horses; which led to this awesome footage from the Queen Victoria Handicap.
Here is my first report on my extensive google search on the world of horses; which led to this awesome footage from the Queen Victoria Handicap.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Pirates 3: A Review
Pirates 3 takes a more serious turn than the other pirate movies, setting its new, darker tone right out of the gate by executing some adorable moppet in pursuit of the fascist state.
However, it still has its silly moments, plus some awesome sight gags sprinkled throughout the movie.
The story is a little confusing but, much like Spiderman 3, you'll enjoy this movie if you don't think about it too hard. Although, if you do want to try to follow the plot, I recommend some sort of score card so you can track of who happens to be backstabbing whom at any given moment.
On the other hand, who goes to see a Pirate movie for the plot? You go to see the absolutely gorgeous visiual spectacles of ships cresting sand dunes, the land of the dead, and adorable granite crabs.
The big finale, which features the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman having a full-on sea battle while circling each other in a giant maelstrom was a thing of beauty. It also featured Captain Barbosa at his best, most piratey awesomeness.
This film has made me a die hard Barbosa fan.
Pirates 3 also has the greatest wedding ceremony ever put on film.
Sorry Princess Bride. You'll always have a special place in my heart, with your soprano priest and castle seige, but the Pirates 3 wedding has you both outswashed and outbuckled.
Oh yeah, at 2 hours and 45 minutes, you'll want to adjust your beverage consumption accordingly.
However, it still has its silly moments, plus some awesome sight gags sprinkled throughout the movie.
The story is a little confusing but, much like Spiderman 3, you'll enjoy this movie if you don't think about it too hard. Although, if you do want to try to follow the plot, I recommend some sort of score card so you can track of who happens to be backstabbing whom at any given moment.
On the other hand, who goes to see a Pirate movie for the plot? You go to see the absolutely gorgeous visiual spectacles of ships cresting sand dunes, the land of the dead, and adorable granite crabs.
The big finale, which features the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman having a full-on sea battle while circling each other in a giant maelstrom was a thing of beauty. It also featured Captain Barbosa at his best, most piratey awesomeness.
This film has made me a die hard Barbosa fan.
Pirates 3 also has the greatest wedding ceremony ever put on film.
Sorry Princess Bride. You'll always have a special place in my heart, with your soprano priest and castle seige, but the Pirates 3 wedding has you both outswashed and outbuckled.
Oh yeah, at 2 hours and 45 minutes, you'll want to adjust your beverage consumption accordingly.
I love me my acronyms.
The thing I like most about So You Think You Can Dance?
They have no Paula equivalent.
Sure, Crazy Mary is, well crazy, but she is perfectly willing to tear into people (ie., ballroom dancers) who aren't up to standard. None of this, "You look lovely" or "You seem like a wonderful person" nonsense.
Case in point: Dancing Derrick. He was the very first audition, and after extensive interviewing about his padded resume, DD got up on stage, and in front of all the other contestants and on national television, had some sort of high-velocity fit set to music for 60 seconds before nearly passing out. This made Crazy Mary laugh like an evil Disney villain through out his entire audition review.
Seriously. I haven't heard such gleeful pleasure at another's misfortune since Maleficent's "And now you shall deal with me, O Prince, and all the powers of Hell!!"
*Cackle Cackle*
I'll admit, his strange and truly awful dance had me frozen, staring in horrified fascination at the screen, desperately wanting yet unable to hit the FF button on the DVR. Until that awesome Crazy Mary cackle freed me. Then of course, she just kept laughing, which made me laugh and so I STILL couldn't hit the FF button. Well played, SYTYCD. Well played.
So Crazy Mary plus Evil Disney Villain= Scary Mary.
The thing I like most about So You Think You Can Dance?
They have no Paula equivalent.
Sure, Crazy Mary is, well crazy, but she is perfectly willing to tear into people (ie., ballroom dancers) who aren't up to standard. None of this, "You look lovely" or "You seem like a wonderful person" nonsense.
Case in point: Dancing Derrick. He was the very first audition, and after extensive interviewing about his padded resume, DD got up on stage, and in front of all the other contestants and on national television, had some sort of high-velocity fit set to music for 60 seconds before nearly passing out. This made Crazy Mary laugh like an evil Disney villain through out his entire audition review.
Seriously. I haven't heard such gleeful pleasure at another's misfortune since Maleficent's "And now you shall deal with me, O Prince, and all the powers of Hell!!"
*Cackle Cackle*
I'll admit, his strange and truly awful dance had me frozen, staring in horrified fascination at the screen, desperately wanting yet unable to hit the FF button on the DVR. Until that awesome Crazy Mary cackle freed me. Then of course, she just kept laughing, which made me laugh and so I STILL couldn't hit the FF button. Well played, SYTYCD. Well played.
So Crazy Mary plus Evil Disney Villain= Scary Mary.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Fun with Literature
More goodness from metafilter.
Here's a website with a program called The Amazing Dostoevsky Machine.
It lets you change the names in Crime and Punishment from long complex Russian names to something slightly more easier to understand.
For example, in my version the main character, Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov, is now called Trevor O'Reilly.
You rename all the characters, than click the Submit Query button and it will take you to a list of characters with their old and new names.
Click again to see the entire text of Crime and Punishment with the new names.
Personally, I think it's much easier to follow the feverish ravings of Trevor O'Reilly and his friendship with Betty, the Russion prostitute with a Heart of Gold.
And now I can't help but quote the 5 minute Illiad version of Crime and Punishment:
"Napolean would have done it!"
Here's a website with a program called The Amazing Dostoevsky Machine.
It lets you change the names in Crime and Punishment from long complex Russian names to something slightly more easier to understand.
For example, in my version the main character, Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov, is now called Trevor O'Reilly.
You rename all the characters, than click the Submit Query button and it will take you to a list of characters with their old and new names.
Click again to see the entire text of Crime and Punishment with the new names.
Personally, I think it's much easier to follow the feverish ravings of Trevor O'Reilly and his friendship with Betty, the Russion prostitute with a Heart of Gold.
And now I can't help but quote the 5 minute Illiad version of Crime and Punishment:
"Napolean would have done it!"
Fun with History
Here's a great site that allows you to learn all about the mummification rituals of ancient Egypt.
Mummify Seneb.
In my Ancient Near East class, I had a friend that mummified a chicken for a class project. She even made little canopic jars and a little sarcaphogus for it.
Unfortunately she didn't get to do the brain removal because you can't buy a chicken that still has its head at the grocery store, and she wasn't about to pluck and slaughter one herself.
I fully concur with her on this. Any animal I used for school came to me pre-dead.
Here's an intersting thought. Since she would have had to stick a rod up the chicken's nose to get to the brain, do chickens even have a nose? I guess they have those little holes in their beaks, but I don't think they could be used as a realiable access way for brain removal.
Nuts, that's going to bother me all day.
Historians. We're morbid little suckers.
Found via Metafilter.
Mummify Seneb.
In my Ancient Near East class, I had a friend that mummified a chicken for a class project. She even made little canopic jars and a little sarcaphogus for it.
Unfortunately she didn't get to do the brain removal because you can't buy a chicken that still has its head at the grocery store, and she wasn't about to pluck and slaughter one herself.
I fully concur with her on this. Any animal I used for school came to me pre-dead.
Here's an intersting thought. Since she would have had to stick a rod up the chicken's nose to get to the brain, do chickens even have a nose? I guess they have those little holes in their beaks, but I don't think they could be used as a realiable access way for brain removal.
Nuts, that's going to bother me all day.
Historians. We're morbid little suckers.
Found via Metafilter.
Today I received an email about Arena Stage's Production of Peter and Wendy accompanied by this disturbing photo:

I knew it was a puppet show before, but I have to admit, those are the creepiest looking puppets I have ever seen.
The puppeteers, veiled and weaving menacingly in the background like a Grecian chorus of the damned, are not helping.

I knew it was a puppet show before, but I have to admit, those are the creepiest looking puppets I have ever seen.
The puppeteers, veiled and weaving menacingly in the background like a Grecian chorus of the damned, are not helping.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
American Idol Finale
I no longer have a horse in this race, so I'll just offer my brief analysis that Blake has been stronger throughout the season, but Jordin sang better last night.
Who will be declared the winner tonight? I honestly have no idea.
I've moved on you see. To Thursday. And the show that brought us dancing zombies.
Bring on the Crazy Mary Juice!!
Update: I'd almost forgotten about this dance. It even made Benji look hot.
Update update: Speaking of hot, can you believe that I can't find a clip of the Latin dance where Dmitri took off his shirt? This has shaken my faith in youtube.
Who will be declared the winner tonight? I honestly have no idea.
I've moved on you see. To Thursday. And the show that brought us dancing zombies.
Bring on the Crazy Mary Juice!!
Update: I'd almost forgotten about this dance. It even made Benji look hot.
Update update: Speaking of hot, can you believe that I can't find a clip of the Latin dance where Dmitri took off his shirt? This has shaken my faith in youtube.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Heroes Finale-- Full of Spoilers
Was a wee bit anti-climatic really. It was still good though, so here's my recap.
DL spends the entire episode bleeding dramatically and dying slowly.
Jessicki knocks out illusion girl in one of the cooler sequences of the night. Go Jessicki!! Although I was a little disappointed in the fact that when Illusion Girl was unconscious, she reverted to her "hot girl" form. In previous eps, she implied that her original form had weight and image issues, so I was looking forward to seeing what she actually looked like.
Molly is a Google Earth in Little Girl Form. She also sets up next season's villian, (apparently an evil Prof X) which pretty much tells us, with a half hour to go yet, that Sylar won't be around slicing heads and what not.
Ma Petrelli turns her creepy evil grandma dial up to 11.
Claire makes a dramatic stand, then leaps out the window to escape Ma Petrelli in the second coolest event of the night.
Peter has a really bizarre dream/illusion/time travel sequence where he talks to a dead guy from the first half of the season that even the writers can't fully explain.
"What is this?"
"Does it matter?"
Apparently not.
Mohinder remains in his corporate zombie brown suit, although his usual idiocy was overshadowed by Boring Psychic Guy, who became Stupid Boring Psychic Guy by engaging Sylar in a game of Catch the Bullets and losing.
He thought he could just walk up an shoot him? Seriously? This bit of suicidal mind-boggling stupidity continues to boggle my mind today.
Seriously??!! Right. Drop it. Moving on.
Unfortunately, SBPG seems to have survived, despite the prescence of four rather large holes in his chest.
Mr. Evil Glasses is officially welcomed into the Good Guy Club by getting a name: Noah. I'll miss calling him MEG though.
So the big fight was a little lame. Hiro sticks Sylar and kills him, which makes it all the more frustrating that he was this easy to kill THE WHOLE TIME and there were all those other times when multiple people (Mohinder) could have popped a cap in his brain AGES ago and stopped all this Sylar nonsense back at "Save the Cheerleader."
So Hiro sticks Sylar and kills him. This prompted my inner Queen of Hearts as I yelled "Cut his head off!! For the love!! He's not really dead! Off With His HEAD!"
But did they listen to me? No.
Before Sylar dies he tosses Hiro into Feudel Japan, where he meets a samurai welcoming committee, and looks at a solar eclipse despite the fact that he doesn't have a little box with a hole in it to protect his retinas.
Your retinas Hiro!! They'll burn right off! Or something!
Nate Petrelli finally stops being such a lame weasel, and flies slodey-Peter high up into the atmosphere, finishing the season off with a lovely radioactive fireworks display.
That part was atually really cool. I wish they'd spent a little more time on the two brothers.
I think Nate is dead, but Peter will survive. In fact, when Hiro landed, I thought it was Peter returning to Earth.
What did you guys think?
DL spends the entire episode bleeding dramatically and dying slowly.
Jessicki knocks out illusion girl in one of the cooler sequences of the night. Go Jessicki!! Although I was a little disappointed in the fact that when Illusion Girl was unconscious, she reverted to her "hot girl" form. In previous eps, she implied that her original form had weight and image issues, so I was looking forward to seeing what she actually looked like.
Molly is a Google Earth in Little Girl Form. She also sets up next season's villian, (apparently an evil Prof X) which pretty much tells us, with a half hour to go yet, that Sylar won't be around slicing heads and what not.
Ma Petrelli turns her creepy evil grandma dial up to 11.
Claire makes a dramatic stand, then leaps out the window to escape Ma Petrelli in the second coolest event of the night.
Peter has a really bizarre dream/illusion/time travel sequence where he talks to a dead guy from the first half of the season that even the writers can't fully explain.
"What is this?"
"Does it matter?"
Apparently not.
Mohinder remains in his corporate zombie brown suit, although his usual idiocy was overshadowed by Boring Psychic Guy, who became Stupid Boring Psychic Guy by engaging Sylar in a game of Catch the Bullets and losing.
He thought he could just walk up an shoot him? Seriously? This bit of suicidal mind-boggling stupidity continues to boggle my mind today.
Seriously??!! Right. Drop it. Moving on.
Unfortunately, SBPG seems to have survived, despite the prescence of four rather large holes in his chest.
Mr. Evil Glasses is officially welcomed into the Good Guy Club by getting a name: Noah. I'll miss calling him MEG though.
So the big fight was a little lame. Hiro sticks Sylar and kills him, which makes it all the more frustrating that he was this easy to kill THE WHOLE TIME and there were all those other times when multiple people (Mohinder) could have popped a cap in his brain AGES ago and stopped all this Sylar nonsense back at "Save the Cheerleader."
So Hiro sticks Sylar and kills him. This prompted my inner Queen of Hearts as I yelled "Cut his head off!! For the love!! He's not really dead! Off With His HEAD!"
But did they listen to me? No.
Before Sylar dies he tosses Hiro into Feudel Japan, where he meets a samurai welcoming committee, and looks at a solar eclipse despite the fact that he doesn't have a little box with a hole in it to protect his retinas.
Your retinas Hiro!! They'll burn right off! Or something!
Nate Petrelli finally stops being such a lame weasel, and flies slodey-Peter high up into the atmosphere, finishing the season off with a lovely radioactive fireworks display.
That part was atually really cool. I wish they'd spent a little more time on the two brothers.
I think Nate is dead, but Peter will survive. In fact, when Hiro landed, I thought it was Peter returning to Earth.
What did you guys think?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Monday AMV
Because if it's stuck in my head, it should be stuck in everybody's head.
Cause she's whatever...
Poetry..Avril Lavigne Style.
Cause she's whatever...
Poetry..Avril Lavigne Style.
Inflat-A-Rat Sighting!!
Since I work in downtown DC, I've grown accustomed to the fact that anyone angry enough to string a couplet together is going to come down here to do their marching and chanting. This is much less interesting than Dictator's neighborhood, which I have nicknamed "Action Movie Row" because it always seems to be catching on fire, having rogue buses crashing through buildings, being completely rerouted for state funerals etc. and, quite frankly, my commuter stories just can't compare.
"So there was another fire? Well I passed three different groups of angry marchers/chanters. They were angry. And marching. AND chanting. In VIETNAMESE."
So I'd become rather blase about demonstaters, but then last year I passed a group that had an enormous inflatable rat. Allow me to repeat in case you haven't fully realized the awesomess that is, Inflat-A-Rat. Enormous. Inflated. RAT.
I like to think that when it's not being used for demonstrations it's having tea with the inflatable gorillas and dancing plastic figures you see at car lots.
Anyway, since that first memorable sighting, I've noticed that Inflat-a-Rat pops up here and there, pimping at any demonstration that feels passionately enough about their cause to shell out for him.
Today, he makes his first appearence of the 2007 demonstration season, looming over traffic at 11th and G. He was placed perfectly so that the roofs of city buses pass just under his menacing claws. His teeth are bared and his giant beady eyes seem to communicate that he would happily rip the top off the bus and snack on the contents, but he has a tea date later.
"So there was another fire? Well I passed three different groups of angry marchers/chanters. They were angry. And marching. AND chanting. In VIETNAMESE."
So I'd become rather blase about demonstaters, but then last year I passed a group that had an enormous inflatable rat. Allow me to repeat in case you haven't fully realized the awesomess that is, Inflat-A-Rat. Enormous. Inflated. RAT.
I like to think that when it's not being used for demonstrations it's having tea with the inflatable gorillas and dancing plastic figures you see at car lots.
Anyway, since that first memorable sighting, I've noticed that Inflat-a-Rat pops up here and there, pimping at any demonstration that feels passionately enough about their cause to shell out for him.
Today, he makes his first appearence of the 2007 demonstration season, looming over traffic at 11th and G. He was placed perfectly so that the roofs of city buses pass just under his menacing claws. His teeth are bared and his giant beady eyes seem to communicate that he would happily rip the top off the bus and snack on the contents, but he has a tea date later.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Lazy Friday
I'm a sucker for internet personality tests. I found one that creates a painting based on your answers. So as I sit here in short sleeves and open toed sandals, contemplating the leaden grey of the overcast sky and the flag dancing madly in the icy winds...I paint.

Click here to create your own painting.
I alter the choices a bit. What would it look like if I was angry and had a penchant for the desert?

What if I pretended I was BSA?

Looks about right.
Now let's paint WW:

It's amazing!! Uncanny Even!
Click here to create your own painting.
I alter the choices a bit. What would it look like if I was angry and had a penchant for the desert?
What if I pretended I was BSA?
Looks about right.
Now let's paint WW:

It's amazing!! Uncanny Even!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Webcomic Goodness
The always awesome DM of the Rings is particulary good today, especially the panel featuring Gandalf and Shadowfax, or "Captain Beard and the Rocket Horse"
Seriously. I crack up every time I read it. The last time I got the giggles this bad from DM of the rings was when Legolass took out Gollum.
Seriously. I crack up every time I read it. The last time I got the giggles this bad from DM of the rings was when Legolass took out Gollum.
American Idol
Curse You Tweeners!!! CURSE YOU!!!!
Man, now I don't even care who wins. Good bye Mindy Doo. You were always my favorite. I hope you have an amazing career, and if you put out an album, I will totally buy it.
Curse You Tweeners!!! CURSE YOU!!!!
Man, now I don't even care who wins. Good bye Mindy Doo. You were always my favorite. I hope you have an amazing career, and if you put out an album, I will totally buy it.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Story: The Hunt for WW: Part II
**A long panning helicopter shot of thick, verdant forest. Birds chirp, squirrels nibble at a cuteness factor of 11, and a woman in a nun’s habit spins madly in a field of wildflowers. The camera zooms past all of these to a slightly less pristine area of the forest. Trees have been uprooted, their branches raking up ash from long scorch marks along the ground. Rocks have been blasted out of the ground, and the ground has been churned to a thick, gooey mud. The camera follows the path of destruction, through the trees to the edge of a small lake. On the shore, a Swedish cottage on chicken legs scratches at the sand nervously. To its left a small ninja stands, watching the cottage intently as she holds a can of aerosol hairspray and a lighter at the ready. She is also wearing a bright orange construction vest and a hard hat over her traditional ninja black. On the right is DFL, who is also wearing construction gear over her clothes, although her safety vest has been tailored and the helmet is cocked at a rakish angle. She idly taps a roll of blueprints against her leg as BSA, in front of the house, also in construction safety gear, tries to talk the cottage into settling down.**
“Look” BSA explains, “I don’t think you fully understand the benefits of indoor plumbing. You wouldn’t have to put up with that obnoxious outhouse anymore. Plus when you’re all beautiful, we can have an open house and give tours. There will even be cookies! Look!” She proudly held up a platter full of chocolate chip cookies. “Who can say no to cookies?”
The cottage looked skeptical. BSA sighed, “This just isn’t the same without the bus. We need the bus!” She glared at TA.
“I’m not asking the Bag o’Stuff for a bus and neither are you. Why, it gets the shivers just thinking about it.” TA answered calmly, never taking her eyes off the chicken house.
“Fine” BSA grumbled then addressed the cottage again, “Well, we’ve sent your owner on a very special tour of this enchanted forest, guided by our very own Amazon, WW.”
** Cut shot to WW, who for some reason is up a pine tree, covered in sap and fending off angry squirrels while the witch laughs. ***
“See?” BSA asked the cottage, “They’re having a lovely time. Now’s your chance to become the house you’ve always wanted to be.”
The cottage sighed and started to sink, its chicken feet disappearing as it came to rest gently on the ground. DFL danced in, “Yeah! I win! I win! I win!”
“What do you mean YOU win?” BSA demanded as she walked into the cottage. It was my brilliant scheme.”
“Okay, so we have the house, now what?” TA entered the cottage cautiously, looking for traps hidden in the quiet, Swedish décor.
“Hmm, I don’t suppose you know any contractors that happen to live in an enchanted forest?” BSA asked her friends. The both looked at her blankly but outside the window there was a chorus of high pitched twitters.
The three friends walked over to the window and looked down, where an army of tiny pixie contractors had appeared.
“What the ..” TA muttered
“We love Extreme Home Makeover!” one yelled.
“Ty Pennington!!” another screamed before fainting.
“Where’s the bus?” a third piped up. TA tried to stomp on that one, but he dodged her easily.
“Let’s help these people out!” the little elves cried as they began swarming into the house.
“Oh Sick!” one of the little brownies had landed on DFL’s shoulder. She flicked him off, “Hey, it stole my blueprints! What are these things?” She demanded over the sudden roar of hammers, saws, and power tools.
“Contractors!” BSA clapped her hands, “They just can’t resist the lure of EHM.”
Once the dust settled and the pixies marched off (each one receiving a cookie for their work) our heroes took a tour of the new, Victorian Chicken House. There was a winding staircase, curving majestically down to a marbled foyer. Large windows lit expansive rooms causing the rich, dark wooden furniture to shine with glossy pride. The bedrooms upstairs were catered to the tastes of each of our four heroines.
“It’s lovely DFL” BSA said as she emerged from her walk-in closet, “But it’s supposed to be designed around the old witch lady. You know, the one that’s kidnapped WW?”
“Yes, but there’s been a change in plan. I’ve commandeered this house in the interest of no longer hiking around this ridiculous forest.”
“I think the witch might object and as fun as it would be to steal a walking house, we still have to get WW back.” TA pointed out helpfully.
“Perhaps we could talk her into selling it.” BSA eagerly whipped out a note pad and calculator and began scribbling furiously.
“Well whatever, but we are taking this house. It’s getting dark and Dictators don’t camp.”
So kids, do our heroes:
A: Trade the house for WW
B: Steal the house and WW
C: Attempt to buy the house after freeing WW
D: Run off and join the pixie clan
“Look” BSA explains, “I don’t think you fully understand the benefits of indoor plumbing. You wouldn’t have to put up with that obnoxious outhouse anymore. Plus when you’re all beautiful, we can have an open house and give tours. There will even be cookies! Look!” She proudly held up a platter full of chocolate chip cookies. “Who can say no to cookies?”
The cottage looked skeptical. BSA sighed, “This just isn’t the same without the bus. We need the bus!” She glared at TA.
“I’m not asking the Bag o’Stuff for a bus and neither are you. Why, it gets the shivers just thinking about it.” TA answered calmly, never taking her eyes off the chicken house.
“Fine” BSA grumbled then addressed the cottage again, “Well, we’ve sent your owner on a very special tour of this enchanted forest, guided by our very own Amazon, WW.”
** Cut shot to WW, who for some reason is up a pine tree, covered in sap and fending off angry squirrels while the witch laughs. ***
“See?” BSA asked the cottage, “They’re having a lovely time. Now’s your chance to become the house you’ve always wanted to be.”
The cottage sighed and started to sink, its chicken feet disappearing as it came to rest gently on the ground. DFL danced in, “Yeah! I win! I win! I win!”
“What do you mean YOU win?” BSA demanded as she walked into the cottage. It was my brilliant scheme.”
“Okay, so we have the house, now what?” TA entered the cottage cautiously, looking for traps hidden in the quiet, Swedish décor.
“Hmm, I don’t suppose you know any contractors that happen to live in an enchanted forest?” BSA asked her friends. The both looked at her blankly but outside the window there was a chorus of high pitched twitters.
The three friends walked over to the window and looked down, where an army of tiny pixie contractors had appeared.
“What the ..” TA muttered
“We love Extreme Home Makeover!” one yelled.
“Ty Pennington!!” another screamed before fainting.
“Where’s the bus?” a third piped up. TA tried to stomp on that one, but he dodged her easily.
“Let’s help these people out!” the little elves cried as they began swarming into the house.
“Oh Sick!” one of the little brownies had landed on DFL’s shoulder. She flicked him off, “Hey, it stole my blueprints! What are these things?” She demanded over the sudden roar of hammers, saws, and power tools.
“Contractors!” BSA clapped her hands, “They just can’t resist the lure of EHM.”
Once the dust settled and the pixies marched off (each one receiving a cookie for their work) our heroes took a tour of the new, Victorian Chicken House. There was a winding staircase, curving majestically down to a marbled foyer. Large windows lit expansive rooms causing the rich, dark wooden furniture to shine with glossy pride. The bedrooms upstairs were catered to the tastes of each of our four heroines.
“It’s lovely DFL” BSA said as she emerged from her walk-in closet, “But it’s supposed to be designed around the old witch lady. You know, the one that’s kidnapped WW?”
“Yes, but there’s been a change in plan. I’ve commandeered this house in the interest of no longer hiking around this ridiculous forest.”
“I think the witch might object and as fun as it would be to steal a walking house, we still have to get WW back.” TA pointed out helpfully.
“Perhaps we could talk her into selling it.” BSA eagerly whipped out a note pad and calculator and began scribbling furiously.
“Well whatever, but we are taking this house. It’s getting dark and Dictators don’t camp.”
So kids, do our heroes:
A: Trade the house for WW
B: Steal the house and WW
C: Attempt to buy the house after freeing WW
D: Run off and join the pixie clan
Spidey le Trois
My review got lost somewhere in the jet-lag/unpacking continuum.
Let's see: Spider-man 3
Alternate title: Mary-Jane Watson's horrible, awful, rotten, no-good, very bad day.
Seriously, nothing good happens to MJ in this movie, which is made even worse by the fact that Spidey is enjoying the height of his popularity and fame.
I thought it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. It's very much popcorn/summer fare. It's great as long as you don't think about it too much. I think it suffered because they introduced so many new characters along with trying to continue all the old characters, and as a consequence, no one's character gets a chance to develop or really shine.
Too many character my dear Mr. Raimi, too many characters.
For example, they introduce Gwen Stacey as a possible alternate love interest. Which is pretty weird this late in the game, since Peter wants to marry MJ. So anyway, Gwen Stacey is brought in, makes some awkward rescue/jealousy scenes, and survives her theaterical debut, which is more than the comic book Gwen can say.
Evil black space goo falls in a park and goes after Peter, turning him into evil Peter, who's pretty much a big jerk. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Evil Peter goes on for "I'm a bad boy" swagger down the street, and all the women give him these horrifying/pitying looks because, at the end of the day, Peter is still a nerd.
The new Goblin shows up, they fight, he gets a convenient bump on the head and becomes nice.
Sandman shows up, screws around with the origin story (WHAT?!! Don't think about it) gets turned into Sandman, fights with Spidey.
Goblin recovers form his head bump, they fight again.
Peter turns into a jerk, realizes "Hey! I'm a big jerk!" then gives up his spiffy new suit (venom) which falls onto the dweeby kid from the 70s show (Nuts I can't remember the guy's name)
Dweeby kid turns into Venom, fights Spidey.
They all have a great big fight at the end, with everyone fighting everyone else.
Somewhere in there MJ gets kidnapped/threatened a bunch of times, and Aunt May has a really long boring speech about something or other.
Spiderman's mask is constantly getting stolen, burned or ripped up, thereby allowing Tobey MacGuire to widen his eyes in horror, or sneer condenscendingly, or make a happy "Look Ice Cream!" face and other such facial shenanigans. I suppose it's hard to emote through a mask. However, it does make his whole "secret identity" thing a little hard to believe. Is there anyone at the end of the movie who doesn't know who Spidey is?
Oh yeah, Aunt May.
***I know Geo has a rebuttal for the "emote through a mask" argument, but he'll just have to post it himself. And if he doesn't. . .I win!****
So, in summary, the fight scenes are really cool, the inbetween stuff not so much. It's a fun way to spend a summer afternoon.
Let's see: Spider-man 3
Alternate title: Mary-Jane Watson's horrible, awful, rotten, no-good, very bad day.
Seriously, nothing good happens to MJ in this movie, which is made even worse by the fact that Spidey is enjoying the height of his popularity and fame.
I thought it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. It's very much popcorn/summer fare. It's great as long as you don't think about it too much. I think it suffered because they introduced so many new characters along with trying to continue all the old characters, and as a consequence, no one's character gets a chance to develop or really shine.
Too many character my dear Mr. Raimi, too many characters.
For example, they introduce Gwen Stacey as a possible alternate love interest. Which is pretty weird this late in the game, since Peter wants to marry MJ. So anyway, Gwen Stacey is brought in, makes some awkward rescue/jealousy scenes, and survives her theaterical debut, which is more than the comic book Gwen can say.
Evil black space goo falls in a park and goes after Peter, turning him into evil Peter, who's pretty much a big jerk. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Evil Peter goes on for "I'm a bad boy" swagger down the street, and all the women give him these horrifying/pitying looks because, at the end of the day, Peter is still a nerd.
The new Goblin shows up, they fight, he gets a convenient bump on the head and becomes nice.
Sandman shows up, screws around with the origin story (WHAT?!! Don't think about it) gets turned into Sandman, fights with Spidey.
Goblin recovers form his head bump, they fight again.
Peter turns into a jerk, realizes "Hey! I'm a big jerk!" then gives up his spiffy new suit (venom) which falls onto the dweeby kid from the 70s show (Nuts I can't remember the guy's name)
Dweeby kid turns into Venom, fights Spidey.
They all have a great big fight at the end, with everyone fighting everyone else.
Somewhere in there MJ gets kidnapped/threatened a bunch of times, and Aunt May has a really long boring speech about something or other.
Spiderman's mask is constantly getting stolen, burned or ripped up, thereby allowing Tobey MacGuire to widen his eyes in horror, or sneer condenscendingly, or make a happy "Look Ice Cream!" face and other such facial shenanigans. I suppose it's hard to emote through a mask. However, it does make his whole "secret identity" thing a little hard to believe. Is there anyone at the end of the movie who doesn't know who Spidey is?
Oh yeah, Aunt May.
***I know Geo has a rebuttal for the "emote through a mask" argument, but he'll just have to post it himself. And if he doesn't. . .I win!****
So, in summary, the fight scenes are really cool, the inbetween stuff not so much. It's a fun way to spend a summer afternoon.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I am awesome
I can't believe that I just spelled queue correctly in that last post. Twice in a row!! With a caffeine-withdrawal headache!!
Thoughts on Queue
Sometimes I look over my netflix queue, and I ask myself, "Is there such a thing as too much John Wayne?"
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Just FYI
Today, I'm wearing puft sleeves.
To truly remember why this is noteworthy, I recommended reading/watching Anne of Green Gables this weekend.
What's your favorite Anne moment? I'm torn between the smashing of the slate over Gil's enormous head and when she sunk her boat playing Lady of Shallot.
To truly remember why this is noteworthy, I recommended reading/watching Anne of Green Gables this weekend.
What's your favorite Anne moment? I'm torn between the smashing of the slate over Gil's enormous head and when she sunk her boat playing Lady of Shallot.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
To celebrate the advent of my getting old and stuff, I took Friday off and went to Seattle. It was pretty cool. Seattle is a neat city. I went with The Jedi, a friend from the ward.
We went to the public market, or Pike's market. It's one enormous farmer's market, several stories high, that spans about 5 city blocks. We wandered around the shops and booths, buying various foodstuffs as we went. Foodstuffs I will now list just for Big Sis. :)
I got these wierd, soft fruitsticks from a fruitstand. They were okay. I also got a ham and cheese crepe, because I was starving for real food (it was our first stop after the plane ride) It was very good.
We found some amazing fried chicken across from a small bronze pig statue. A lady on the plane recommened it. It was right by the flinging fish stand, so she should have used that as a marker, although watching The Jedi walking up to random strangers and asking about the bronze pig in his thick Mexican accent was pretty dang funny.
The flinging fish stand looks like any other fish booth, with enormous dead fish on ice, looking up at you with their dead, googley eyes. However, when you order from the customer guy he turns around and yells the order ("Hallibut!, or as it sounded to me AALIBOOT!") back at the guy at the counter (ALLIBOOT!), who then yells at the stocker guy, (ALLIBOOT!) who then selects your order (AALIBOOOT!!) and you see this enormous silvery fish, flying gracefully through the air, it gets caught by counter guy, (AALIBOOOT!) who throws the fish to audience guy (ALLIBOOT!), who then wraps it up and hands it to the paying customer. It's hilarious.
But I digress.
We also got an enormous chocolate chip cookie, which was bigger than my two hands put together. We took it to a park (featuring a fine sampling of Seattle's crazy homeless and angry punk youth) and played cards until it was time to wander downtown and see Spiderman 3. Which was pretty good. I'll post my full review later.
Saturday we went back in and had brunch at the Space Needle. The restaurant revolves, making a full circuit every 50 minutes or so. It's moving fast enough that you get a slight vertigo sensation when you step on it and again while you take your seat. I had clam chowder (excellent) and the waiter whipped out a pepper grinder that was longer than my arm (would the Lady care for freshly ground pepper? Yes, the lady would!) Followed by a Belgian waffle with fruit, cream, and real maple syrup, with bacon and smoked sausage, followed by Bread pudding.
It was a set menu, so you get to pick one item from each category, alot like restaurant week actually.
While you eat, the restaurant revolves so you get to see the entire view of Seattle while you dine. Very pleasant.
Then we went to the sci fi museum, which didn't allow pictures (punks) so you'll just have imagine the glory that is the self destruct panel from the original Star Trek. They also had a still suit from Dune, and one of those funky voice weapon thingies (the wierding way) and a fremen knife.
After that we made our way to Pioneer Square, and took the underground Seattle tour. After a fire in the late 1800's the city rebuilt, raising the city 8-30 feet. You can still walk around the buired portions, and there are skylits in the sidewalk above, and you can see the people walking above you.
It was really cool.
We then made our way to the International District to check out a giant Asian market that was on our "Walking Seattle" map. It was a grocery store with paper lantern lights.
However, while we made our way back towards downtown we passed a store with something so awesome, you'll just have to wait for me to get home so I can post my photos. Words just won't do it justice.
We found a nice seafood restuarant (McCormick's) around 5ish. We walked in, and since it was still early there were two hostesses and several waiters lingering around the front podium. One of the guys says "Happy Cinco de Mayo, do you have a reservation." The Jedi replies "No, but I'm Mexican" in his best snooty tone. They all laughed and the guy said "well, in THAT case, you can have as much Mexican beer as you want, but I'll have to check on the table."
We got a table. I had fresh Alaskan Halibut (AALIBOOT!!) with a crushed Macadamian nut crust, served with a mango butter sauce and asparagus. Hmmm.
Sunday we flew home. Our connecting flight in Denver got delayed, so I didn't make it home til 2:30am. After an entirely too brief 4 hour nap, I got up and went to work. Not fun.
We went to the public market, or Pike's market. It's one enormous farmer's market, several stories high, that spans about 5 city blocks. We wandered around the shops and booths, buying various foodstuffs as we went. Foodstuffs I will now list just for Big Sis. :)
I got these wierd, soft fruitsticks from a fruitstand. They were okay. I also got a ham and cheese crepe, because I was starving for real food (it was our first stop after the plane ride) It was very good.
We found some amazing fried chicken across from a small bronze pig statue. A lady on the plane recommened it. It was right by the flinging fish stand, so she should have used that as a marker, although watching The Jedi walking up to random strangers and asking about the bronze pig in his thick Mexican accent was pretty dang funny.
The flinging fish stand looks like any other fish booth, with enormous dead fish on ice, looking up at you with their dead, googley eyes. However, when you order from the customer guy he turns around and yells the order ("Hallibut!, or as it sounded to me AALIBOOT!") back at the guy at the counter (ALLIBOOT!), who then yells at the stocker guy, (ALLIBOOT!) who then selects your order (AALIBOOOT!!) and you see this enormous silvery fish, flying gracefully through the air, it gets caught by counter guy, (AALIBOOOT!) who throws the fish to audience guy (ALLIBOOT!), who then wraps it up and hands it to the paying customer. It's hilarious.
But I digress.
We also got an enormous chocolate chip cookie, which was bigger than my two hands put together. We took it to a park (featuring a fine sampling of Seattle's crazy homeless and angry punk youth) and played cards until it was time to wander downtown and see Spiderman 3. Which was pretty good. I'll post my full review later.
Saturday we went back in and had brunch at the Space Needle. The restaurant revolves, making a full circuit every 50 minutes or so. It's moving fast enough that you get a slight vertigo sensation when you step on it and again while you take your seat. I had clam chowder (excellent) and the waiter whipped out a pepper grinder that was longer than my arm (would the Lady care for freshly ground pepper? Yes, the lady would!) Followed by a Belgian waffle with fruit, cream, and real maple syrup, with bacon and smoked sausage, followed by Bread pudding.
It was a set menu, so you get to pick one item from each category, alot like restaurant week actually.
While you eat, the restaurant revolves so you get to see the entire view of Seattle while you dine. Very pleasant.
Then we went to the sci fi museum, which didn't allow pictures (punks) so you'll just have imagine the glory that is the self destruct panel from the original Star Trek. They also had a still suit from Dune, and one of those funky voice weapon thingies (the wierding way) and a fremen knife.
After that we made our way to Pioneer Square, and took the underground Seattle tour. After a fire in the late 1800's the city rebuilt, raising the city 8-30 feet. You can still walk around the buired portions, and there are skylits in the sidewalk above, and you can see the people walking above you.
It was really cool.
We then made our way to the International District to check out a giant Asian market that was on our "Walking Seattle" map. It was a grocery store with paper lantern lights.
However, while we made our way back towards downtown we passed a store with something so awesome, you'll just have to wait for me to get home so I can post my photos. Words just won't do it justice.
We found a nice seafood restuarant (McCormick's) around 5ish. We walked in, and since it was still early there were two hostesses and several waiters lingering around the front podium. One of the guys says "Happy Cinco de Mayo, do you have a reservation." The Jedi replies "No, but I'm Mexican" in his best snooty tone. They all laughed and the guy said "well, in THAT case, you can have as much Mexican beer as you want, but I'll have to check on the table."
We got a table. I had fresh Alaskan Halibut (AALIBOOT!!) with a crushed Macadamian nut crust, served with a mango butter sauce and asparagus. Hmmm.
Sunday we flew home. Our connecting flight in Denver got delayed, so I didn't make it home til 2:30am. After an entirely too brief 4 hour nap, I got up and went to work. Not fun.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Heroes, now with Spoilers from the Future!
5 years later:
Nate is Hitler!! Although he turns out to be Sylar in disguise. Which is a relief, as I was actively starting to hate Nate again.
Half of Jessicki is dead, but honestly I can't remember which one.
We also learn that without Ando, Hiro turns into an anti-hero type character (ala Wolverine, or Punisher)
Hiro also had the best line of the night: "I scare me."
Boring Pyschic Guy? What a TOOL.
Mohinder: Still just as dumb and ineffective in the future, but as gone one step further down boring road by giving up his lovely pastels for the brown suit last seen in Napolean Dynamite.
Peter: Discovers his inner-Neo. Not only does he have the cool Matrix coat, but kicks butt with multi-powers.
Although BSA brought up a good point: Why does his dramatic facial scarring skip his nose? Shouldn't it crag in a manly fashion the whole way through?
So Peter is an action hero. Freezing time, blasting people left and right, and engaging in some metaphorical fire vs ice showdown with Sylar. Actually, we could have used more of this. Come on Heroes, I know you're probably saving everything for sweeps, and that you're operating on a tv budget, but there's a big fight between Sylar and Future Pete and the only part we see is Mohinder's behind (stupid) as he tries to hold a door shut? (ineffective) COME ON.
Also, I'm a little shocked that Hiro is supposed to kill Sylar. This whole time I figured Peter would be the one to stomp the brain-eating fiend.
On a totally random note: It's quite humid today. DC's two weeks of Spring are officially over.
5 years later:
Nate is Hitler!! Although he turns out to be Sylar in disguise. Which is a relief, as I was actively starting to hate Nate again.
Half of Jessicki is dead, but honestly I can't remember which one.
We also learn that without Ando, Hiro turns into an anti-hero type character (ala Wolverine, or Punisher)
Hiro also had the best line of the night: "I scare me."
Boring Pyschic Guy? What a TOOL.
Mohinder: Still just as dumb and ineffective in the future, but as gone one step further down boring road by giving up his lovely pastels for the brown suit last seen in Napolean Dynamite.
Peter: Discovers his inner-Neo. Not only does he have the cool Matrix coat, but kicks butt with multi-powers.
Although BSA brought up a good point: Why does his dramatic facial scarring skip his nose? Shouldn't it crag in a manly fashion the whole way through?
So Peter is an action hero. Freezing time, blasting people left and right, and engaging in some metaphorical fire vs ice showdown with Sylar. Actually, we could have used more of this. Come on Heroes, I know you're probably saving everything for sweeps, and that you're operating on a tv budget, but there's a big fight between Sylar and Future Pete and the only part we see is Mohinder's behind (stupid) as he tries to hold a door shut? (ineffective) COME ON.
Also, I'm a little shocked that Hiro is supposed to kill Sylar. This whole time I figured Peter would be the one to stomp the brain-eating fiend.
On a totally random note: It's quite humid today. DC's two weeks of Spring are officially over.
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