Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fascinating

Unfortunately, I still can't get videos to work at home. We're calling Cox, but it limits my ability to comb the Internet for weird stuff.

However, I have found a fascinating article at Newsarama about June Foray, the voice artist for Witch Hazel from Looney Tunes and Rocky the Squirrel.

Bugs Bunny: Aren't you ashamed of yourself, roastin' children!
Witch Hazel: Call it a weakness.

Witch Hazel is one of my all time favorite Looney Tune characters, and her voice actress is an amazing lady.

Take some time and read the article here.


Kristen said...

Dude, we totally MET her! - Like, actuall conversation-ness! We have a picture with her and Craig. She is fully awesome.

corbeau said...

Neat!! She sounds like an amazing lady. I'm so jealous.

Kristen said...

When Craig and Chris's film "Lemmings" won the Bronze Student Academy Award, she was there, chatting it up with people. She is really nice, hilarious and very, very small.

very small.