So our favorite teenage detective is still detecting, can shoot lightening from her hands, and is just the teensiest bit evil, in a fry patronizing Irish-men kind of way.
She's also still working for her dad.

No not that guy. Lightening powers. Evil. Bizarre cargo container plots? Obviously her Daddy is this guy.

The Diabolical Doctor Doom!! And Doom will not be stopped by a mere Irishman.
As the offspring of Doom, only the Fantastic Four will be able to stop her!
Let's see, we have the crazy "Invisible Woman" invisible guy, Claire's dead-beat "Human Torch" but no stretchy guy and no Thing... so I guess it's up to Peter. Or he could just run away to Canada.
I predict French in next week's episode.
Man, good thing Doom called her off.
Okay, let's round up this sucker:
Boring Psychic Cop Guy is an idiot. I realize this is hardly new, but it bears repeating.
Mohinder took Molly the sleeping Moppet to the Company, even though MEG and I both told him this was a bad idea.
Jessica is trying to kill Nikki!! Nikki is unhappy about this turn of events and nearly escapes. She would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for Mohinder and his little taser.
Thanks a lot Mohinder.
Cool tv girl now has a comic book and her hero name: Copy Cat!! Although, just as she's getting cool, Mohinder shows up to disappear her for Company medical research.
Thanks a lot Mohinder. Jerk.
Turns out Sauron is more like George Costanza from Seinfeld. So now I will refer to him as Evil George. We also learn where Parkman (Boring Cop Guy) gets his winning personality and manly physique.
But he can trap people in their nightmares, which is pretty cool.
Next week: Hiro takes on an army!
Honestly, that's all I can remember from this episode. What parts did you guys like?
Havent watched it on line yet, but I agree Mat is an Idiot sometimes. Well actually most of the time.
not so much on the wildfires - besides it being hot, everyone getting sick from the smoke, and ashes falling here and there. Two of our friends have been evacuated - but it's not really affecting our routines and stuff. yet.....
By the way you did a fabulous review loved the pictures.
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