Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Heroes-Now with more ambiguity

We were deep cleaning our house until 11 last night, and then we camped out on my air mattress in the living room to watch Heroes on DFL's little personal tv. Yes, I stayed up til midnight, just so I could bring ya'll my Heroes review.

That's just the kind of dedicated blogger I am.

This episode was Parkman-free. Yeah!

Molly is still asleep.

PAY-tuh makes it to Montreal, and learns that once again the world is in peril. Instead of saving the cheerleader, this time he has to bring down The Company.

Last season had better catch phrases.

HRG and The Haitian reminded us why they were the best villains last season. The interrogation of the Russian was very La Femme Nikita-esque.

They find the rest of the paintings, but none of them are very helpful. HRG wonders "but what does it mean?"

I'm right there with ya pal.

Hiro has broken the space-time continuum. I have no idea where the writers are going with this. Will it give rise to an entire alternate history, and that's why NY is destroyed? Or will Hiro re-go back into time to inform his self to ditch the girl?
Who knows.

Mohinder takes a stand, and now Nikki is babysitting him. Or possibly Jessica. I think it's Nikki pretending to be Jessica. Or perhaps it's Jessica who's assimilated Nikki.

Gah! It's enough to give a girl a headache.

Copycat has an ipod and a one-woman mission to clean up New Orleans. That storyline would actually make for a really good comic. I'm glad she still has her powers. She's one of my favorite characters.

Sylar's still creepy. Maya is still dumb as a post. She's moved from "I killed them by accident so it's okay" to "I killed them because they were in my way, and that's okay."

I fear for the workers in the inevitable construction that will slow their road trip East.

Future Maya dialogue:
"They didn't turn the Stop sign to Slow fast enough. They had to die!!"
"What do you mean the canyon is closed?"
"Last rest stop for 100 miles? DIE!!!"


Kristen said...

I am watching seasons 1 and 3 simultaneously and it is brutal. I have no idea what happens in season 2 and there is no 'release date' for it yet and I kindof want to pull all my hair out.

and mohinder is totally hot.

corbeau said...

That's because we're currently watching Season 2 silly.

The good news is: You're not as behind as you thought you were!

Mohinder is hot, and he has that accent going for him too.

Kristen said...


why did i think it was season 3?

yikes. thanks for setting me straight.

(and congratulations!!)