Ooohh when Ma Petrelli is wicked she is really really wicked. Now that she's in charge of the company, she's using her creepy subliminal suggestion powers to get Sylar to work on her side. She pairs him up with HRG (Horn Rimmed Glasses) to go after the escaped bad guys.
Escaped bad guys break into a bank as some sort of elaborate vengeance plot.
Scarecrow uses the fear of the hostages and punches out Magneto's heart. No lie. The bad guys also discover that Peter is inhabiting Evil Jesse's body.
Future Peter shows up, grabs Present Peter from Evil Jesse's body and takes him into the future.
Sylar then walks in and eats all the bad guys. Textbook bad guy retrieval right there.
Actually, HRG shoots one, Scarecrow gets away, and I think Sylar only eats one guy, but these are just minor details.
Claire's all angry and rebellious after being attacked by Sylar, so her Firestarter mother shows her some tough love to show her that being invulnerable is not the same as being invinicible. Unfortunately it doesn't work and Claire absconds with a banker box.
DUM Dum dum.......
Boring cop guy is still in Africa, where he discovers a mutant who's entire ability revolves around painting boring cop guys future. I can't stand this guy after two seasons, and the medicine man's been stuck painting boring cop's storylines his whole freaking life.
Worst. Power. Ever. No wonder he's on drugs.
Trish (the girl who's Nikki but not Nikki) goes to New Orleans to investigate why her teeth are so creepily straight. Seriously, there in a perfect line. They're like George Washington's wooden teeth or something.
Anyhoo, she arrives at Nikki's funeral, so Nikki really is dead, and awfully pretty for someone who died in a fire. Although she does have the requisite facial scar that is this show's shorthand for serious trauma. After talking with cute kid, we learn that the Evil Scientist character has finally arrived and has been growing mutant kid clones for science fair ( X-files totally did this plot) and that's why Trish looks like Nikki, but has different powers.
Ando and Hiro are still chasing the formula, and they're banter with Speedy Chick was fun. They attempt to get the formula from the Hatian, but mess it up and now Speedy Chick has the entire formula to destory the world.
DUM DUM Dum dum dum....
Next Week: The rise of Dark Claire!