Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heroes Recap: Now with more Details

Per request, my recap will be a little bit longer.

Ooohh when Ma Petrelli is wicked she is really really wicked. Now that she's in charge of the company, she's using her creepy subliminal suggestion powers to get Sylar to work on her side. She pairs him up with HRG (Horn Rimmed Glasses) to go after the escaped bad guys.

Escaped bad guys break into a bank as some sort of elaborate vengeance plot.

Scarecrow uses the fear of the hostages and punches out Magneto's heart. No lie. The bad guys also discover that Peter is inhabiting Evil Jesse's body.

Future Peter shows up, grabs Present Peter from Evil Jesse's body and takes him into the future.

Sylar then walks in and eats all the bad guys. Textbook bad guy retrieval right there.

Actually, HRG shoots one, Scarecrow gets away, and I think Sylar only eats one guy, but these are just minor details.

Claire's all angry and rebellious after being attacked by Sylar, so her Firestarter mother shows her some tough love to show her that being invulnerable is not the same as being invinicible. Unfortunately it doesn't work and Claire absconds with a banker box.

DUM Dum dum.......

Boring cop guy is still in Africa, where he discovers a mutant who's entire ability revolves around painting boring cop guys future. I can't stand this guy after two seasons, and the medicine man's been stuck painting boring cop's storylines his whole freaking life.

Worst. Power. Ever. No wonder he's on drugs.

Trish (the girl who's Nikki but not Nikki) goes to New Orleans to investigate why her teeth are so creepily straight. Seriously, there in a perfect line. They're like George Washington's wooden teeth or something.

Anyhoo, she arrives at Nikki's funeral, so Nikki really is dead, and awfully pretty for someone who died in a fire. Although she does have the requisite facial scar that is this show's shorthand for serious trauma. After talking with cute kid, we learn that the Evil Scientist character has finally arrived and has been growing mutant kid clones for science fair ( X-files totally did this plot) and that's why Trish looks like Nikki, but has different powers.

Ando and Hiro are still chasing the formula, and they're banter with Speedy Chick was fun. They attempt to get the formula from the Hatian, but mess it up and now Speedy Chick has the entire formula to destory the world.

DUM DUM Dum dum dum....

Next Week: The rise of Dark Claire!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Random Dinner Post

Have you guys tried those vegetable steam packets from Jolly Green Giant?

They're pretty good. You just throw the bag in the microwave for six minutes, and then you open the bag, and they're all steamy and nice. And they don't have that weird frozen vegetable mushy thing going on.

Tonight I made a bag of entitled "Baby Vegetables" for dinner. Soon the whole house smelled like steamed cauliflower, because nothing beats cauliflower for scent permeation. Anyway, I was sitting there, smelling the cauliflower and I thought, "You know, I bet a little grated cheese would taste great with that."

The timer dinged, I unzipped the cheese bag, and tossed a handful in the bowl. It instantly melted over the steamy hot vegetables. What I forgot to consider is that these packets also come with a sauce. As I stirred the veggies around, the cheese melted and combined with the sauce, covering all the vegetables with a thick, sticky paste that looked like a head full of snot.

Tasted good though. I just didn't look at it while I ate.

Amazing Race

How excited are we that the Amazing Race is back!!???

I LOVE this show. I like watching them go to all those cool places to do crazy local customs that you'd never see as a random tourist.

This week, they flew to Brazil, and had to navigate these candy carts that looked like little semis through cobblestone streets. Then they slept overnight in the jungle, and the next day had to choose between climbing stone steps on there hands and knees (we totally guessed that the mystery question would be: How many steps did you just climb?) or riding to the top of an outdoor elevator, and then climbing back down on over 200 feet of cargo net.


It's still too early for me to have a favorite to cheer. Or even to know who anyone is. The most distinctive couple was the elderly hippie bee keepers, but they came in last and got eliminated.

Also, I'm not entirely sure which one he is, but I suspect the whiniest man ever to play the game is on this season.

Do you guys have a favorite?

Monday AMV

Last week I had an anime marathon and finished the 12 Kingdoms.

I still think it's one of the prettiest animes out there.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh Middleman

I miss you so!!!

Please please please don't get cancelled. I will cry.

Sigh. I guess I should go to work.

Friday Funnies

Everything's better with Batman:

Thursday, September 25, 2008


This is awesome.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Old but Tasty

Hmmm, Pancakes....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes Recap

No Heroes. No NO NO!!

You do NOT get to make Mohinder, Monhinder of the salmon shirts and pretty orange scarves, you do not get to make THAT Mohinder into freaking Wolverine.

So now that that's out of the way, here's my recap:

Claire stars in her own horror movie. Why does everyone think that one stab/strike is enough to take Sylar down? Why not just keep hitting him while he's down?

Speaking of Sylar: He's freaking invincible now. Just FREAKING great.

A lot of people who were supposed to be dead are alive.

Nate is alive and born again.

Evil Future Peter is alive and running around messing things up, including turning Present Peter into a thug.

HA HA!! Boring psychic cup is dumped in the African desert.

We have ANOTHER future painter?

Ma Petrelli can see the future!! In dreams..... She's also taken over the company, which means they might actually be effective.

Veronica Mars fries Sylar, and gets downsized. She also joins the wicked face scar club.

A whole bunch of villains have been loosed, including Magneto, Banshee, and the Scarecrow, but with different names. HRG will get them though.

Lets see, who am I forgetting? Oh yeah!

Hiro is a freaking moron. I guess it's necessary for the release of the season's macguffin but COME ON..

I like Speedy Thief though.

So is Jessica/Nicky dead or what? Who is this Tricia political chick with her terrifingly plank like teeth and super ice powers?

WHOA!! A Sylar/Ma Petrelli team up? That's just too terrifying to even imagine.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Level 2: Day 1

I went to my first level 2 class today. It was definitely more intense, and holds to a higher level of physical fitness that level 1.

I'm back to "I'm going to PUKE" during work outs. That hasn't happened in level 1 in ages.

There's also not as many people. There were only 6 of us, so it's a lot harder to fudge when you start getting tired. When there's a lot of people you can slow down a little and no one notices. When there's only six of you the instructor is far more likely to sneak up behind you and yell "Are you tired?" and then hit you with a pad.

That might have possibly have happened to me a couple of times.

I got to learn some neat new moves though!! We did a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu arm grab that included the phrase "Then you wrap your leg around his head."

I'm sore, but it was a good class.

Monday AMV

Black cat.

I so need to buy this series.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ostrich Egg Update

This is what 1/3 of an Ostrich egg looks like after being mixed with milk and cheese and baked in a 9X13 pan.

TSA called it a "strata?" Whatever it was, it tasted good.

She blew out the egg and had 5 cups worth of egg goo. She made the strata and now we have 3 cups of egg goo.

Anyone else know of some egg-intensive recipes?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jump Rope Awesomeness

I just discovered this Friday, and I find it fascinating.

This is Tori Boggs of West Virginia, and she is insane.

That's the freestyle, and her is an example of what the speed competition looks like:

Look at their wrists!! That is just amazing to me!

I had no idea that jump roping could be so freaking cool. I mean the athletisicm for this stuff is amazing.

Here's Team USA All Stars. I'd skip to about 1:40

Friday, September 19, 2008

Slow week

I know I haven't posted much this week. I've been sleeping a lot for some strange reason.

But today I discovered the fascinating world of competition jump rope. One of my coworkers has a daughter that does it.

When I get home, I'll grab some videos. Tonight we're going to the Kennedy Center for a hip hop dance show.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday AMV

You know what we haven't had in awhile?


My roommate the Starving Artist just brought home a 3 and a half pound ostrich egg. It's freaking huge. It's the equivalent of 20 eggs, and she's going to make something with it.

When she first showed it to me, I thought it was a decoration.

Saturday I had my Level 2 test for Krav, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I don't know if I passed yet. I hope so, because I really don't want to do it twice. I still hurt, and my bruises are .. massive.

But I think I did well. I didn't quit. I didn't give up. And even though I spent the last hour and a half trying not to puke, I managed not to puke all over myself.

Yeah ME!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I just heard from my sister in Houston. Her family is safe, and their house mostly undamaged (6 leaks but no shattered windows and none of the trees hit her house.)

She lives in a part of Houston that was told to hunker down and wait it out. And even though they were prepared as they could be (yeah food storage!) I was still worried for them.

It's still going to be rough for awhile. No power probably for the next three weeks, but everyone's safe and alive.


Really, at the point there's only way to express my feelings, and that's with the Muppet Beaker singing Beethoven's Ode to Joy.

Here's Andre Rieu's version, which is gorgeous and lovely and complete.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Anyone know how to get mildew out of carpet?

My car is not as watertight as previously thought.

Although I'm kind of glad it's mildew. I've been tearing my car apart looking for the source of the funk, and I was down to my last two options.

1. Pull up the carpets

2. Search the engine for dead cat, squirrel, chipmunk.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Monday AMV (slightly delayed)

But oh so worth it.

And I'm so sorry about this one, but it's hilarious:

Tropical Storm Venue

The rain started Friday night around 5, and just kept pouring for the next 24 hours. At least, I noticed it had stopped around 5. It had been raining so long, the sound of it had faded into the background.

Several parts of Alexandria flooded, but we were lucky, and the only damage we had was a slightly swampy backyard. I waited out the storm with a book, only venturing out for some emergency cupcake wrappers. (It was the Starving Artist's bday party Sat.)

When I left for Wolftrap, it was actually really nice outside, and since no one was outside, I had the most pleasant trip I've ever had on the beltway. I was still late though, because I got on the wrong loop of the beltway, and they were playing the overture as I entered the park.

I found my seat by the opening song, and really enjoyed the show. The seats were covered, so they were dry, and there was a nice breeze blowing through.

Les Miserables was awesome. The last time I saw it I was 18, and on my Senior trip in New York City. Our seats were way up in the nose bleeds and all the way over to the left. So I could see into stage right. It was pretty cool. The thing I remember most was when Fantine cut her hair, and she ran off stage, and the prop people rushed over, stuffed her hair under a short hair wig, spun her around and sent her back on stage.

My seats for this performance were much better. The performers were amazing, especially the two male leads. They had these amazing painted backdrops that were digitally projected so they could do all kinds of cool things with them. My favorite was during "One Day More" while everyone was marching, they made it look like the street was receding behind them.

Does that make sense? It looked like they were marching through the streets of Paris. That sentence is much better.

Friday, September 05, 2008


Wonder Woman wanted to know my thoughts about Sarah Palin. I don't post politics normally, but this lovely bit of awesomeness has been floating around the internet, and it's worth sharing.

I think her nomination is exciting. I love having a conservative woman on the ticket, and I love how she's handled herself against all the smears and awfulness that people have thrown at her.

Here's some highlights from her acceptance speech:


Know what else is exciting?

I have tickets to Les Mis at Wolftrap this weekend. Wolftrap is a national park, and a beautiful concert/show venue.

Know what else is coming this weekend?

Tropical Storm Hannah

Tropical Storm + Outdoor Venue = Excitement. . . and possible flooding.

Fortunately I'm in covered seats, so as long as the wind doesn't get too bad we should be okay. I'm pretty inland.

I hope.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Movie Trailer

Watching that clip of Don LaFontaine made me think of Pablo Fransisco's Little Tortilla Boy trailer:

He does the voiceover well, for a comedian.


Oh, the movie trailer guy died!

RIP Don LaFontaine

Monday, September 01, 2008

Monday AMV

Know why I'm posting so much today?

Because I'm supposed to be studying for a biology/embryology exam. But this is it, my last stab at procrastination.

The Twelve Kingdoms.

I liked the music for this, which I believe is Bond, (The group, not the secret agent) also the animation is quite beautiful. You can't always tell from the video quality of the AMV, but it is. Cause I said so.

Although the heroine's gray tracksuit with skirt ensemble is horrible. She wears it all the time, and it BUGS me.

Especially when I'm trying to study.

Twilight Polo

After the Newseum we met up with DFL and drove out to Horse Country. This is a section of Virginia that's far enough away from the cities to support horses and the wealthy who ride them.

I mean, they still have fox hunting out there. Who knew?

We went to the greens in Middleburg, which also hosts races and such, including the Gold Cup which requires you wear a big floppy hat and a sun dress. Saturday night however, was all about Twilight Polo.

What is Twilight Polo you ask?

It's polo. But at night.

They play inside this dirt arena, although they were moving to grass next week.

That's all I can really tell you, because I know nothing about polo. But I've learned a little bit.

The match is divided into four periods, called chukkers, which is the best word ever and I took every oppurtunity possible to use it.

"Did they use the same horse as last chukker?"
"My, what an exciting chukker!"
"We're almost to the end of the chukker!"
"Down in front, chukker!!"

They also had a bbq caterer, which meant you could cheer during the chukker while savoring pulled pork. It was a good night.

During the first match we cheered for the team in black, because they had the only girl, and she was wearing a pink helmet and had pink leg warmers (shin guards?) on her horses.

If you double click on the picture, you can see it better.

The second match there was a girl on each team, so we split into two groups (by this time DFL had picked up some random fellow to come hang out with us, since he was all alone) and cheered for opposing teams.

It was a lot of fun. Polo's pretty exciting, and fun to watch even when you don't know what's going on.

Unfortunately my little camera doesn't do so well at night, or with things that are far away, so I don't have any really good pictures of the horses.

DFL got some good pictures though, so everyone give her your best puppy eyes and maybe she'll post some for us.

The Newseum

On Saturday I went into DC with a friend and saw the Newseum, a fairly newish museum (HA!) on Penn Ave. It was very cool, and very large. We ended up spending the whole day in there.

On the top floor they have a balcony with some amazing views of DC. Like the Capitol.

Or the mall:

And it's right across from the National Art Gallery, which has the best cafeteria of all the Smithsonians, for those brave and intrepid souls who manage to find it.

Once you've finished looking around and taking pictures, you work your way down through 14 exhibits and 15 theaters (Holy Crap!)

It was very interesting, and a little intense. Not very kid friendly. On the third floor they have stations where you can play games, or get in front of the camera and do a weather report, there were a lot of kids there, and they also liked the 4D movie (which was free!) but in other exhibits I'd hear things like "Is that man on fire?" "What happened to the baby?" "Is that lady falling? Did she die?"

It's hard for adults too. In the Pulitizer Prize Photo gallery a lady next to me threw up her arms and said "I can't do this anymore" and walked out.

So it's a bit like the Holocaust museum. Good. Humbling. Horrifiying.

They have this massive room filled with a papers from every year, starting back from the first days of the printing press, and on the street they have a paper from each state showing the day's Headlines.

On Saturday, it was all about McCain's VP pick, Governer Palin, who I'm excited about, so it was fun walking past all those papers.

If you're coming to DC, and you're a news/politics junkie, it's definetly worth checking out.