Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Bad Week
This week, actually, on Thursday, every perk I became eligible for at work was denied. Including a raise. I was counting on it, especially since it had all been approved until it reached my boss's boss's boss.
I've only met the man once, but apparently he hates me.
Actually, the most aggravating thing about all this is that it has nothing to do with me or my work performance and everything to do with some bizarre turf war with admin. Which got bad enough that I was just waiting for an email telling me that my Christmas vacation request had been denied.
"Not your vacation" my friend helpfully pointed out, "It'll be an email telling you that you have to work Thanksgiving and Christmas!"
Which reminded me of my worst Thanksgiving EVAH:
Corbeau Story Time
When I was in the Navy and was stationed at Norfolk, I pulled duty on Thanksgiving. I didn't mind too much. I didn't know anyone in the area, didn't have any family in the area, and didn't have a car.
So basically, I had no where to go and no way to get there.
What I didn't realize was that they would cancel all food service on Thanksgiving so that the galley workers could be at home with their families. Since I was on watch, I wasn't allowed to leave the base, and since this was the Thanksgiving after 9/11 the base wasn't allowing deliveries.
This led to the first and only, Corbeau's Vending Machine Thanksgiving. An entire day of ho hos and chips.
It got better though. Around ten that night, one of the other girls who usually stood that watch brought me some Thanksgiving dinner leftovers. They tasted amazing.
I've only met the man once, but apparently he hates me.
Actually, the most aggravating thing about all this is that it has nothing to do with me or my work performance and everything to do with some bizarre turf war with admin. Which got bad enough that I was just waiting for an email telling me that my Christmas vacation request had been denied.
"Not your vacation" my friend helpfully pointed out, "It'll be an email telling you that you have to work Thanksgiving and Christmas!"
Which reminded me of my worst Thanksgiving EVAH:
Corbeau Story Time
When I was in the Navy and was stationed at Norfolk, I pulled duty on Thanksgiving. I didn't mind too much. I didn't know anyone in the area, didn't have any family in the area, and didn't have a car.
So basically, I had no where to go and no way to get there.
What I didn't realize was that they would cancel all food service on Thanksgiving so that the galley workers could be at home with their families. Since I was on watch, I wasn't allowed to leave the base, and since this was the Thanksgiving after 9/11 the base wasn't allowing deliveries.
This led to the first and only, Corbeau's Vending Machine Thanksgiving. An entire day of ho hos and chips.
It got better though. Around ten that night, one of the other girls who usually stood that watch brought me some Thanksgiving dinner leftovers. They tasted amazing.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Fun: Rhino Attack!!
I think the dramatic background music is what really makes this training video special.
"Fire! Escape!" I'm looking at you.
Found on TV in Japan.
"Fire! Escape!" I'm looking at you.
Found on TV in Japan.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I took the day off for some appointments and errands. That means I have internet browsing time!
It's freezing here, so I have an arctic themed video for you.
It's freezing here, so I have an arctic themed video for you.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Amazing Race and other TV updates
Whiny man is gone!!!!!! WHINY MAN IS GONE!!!!
And all because is picky, overly-sensitive, vegetarian self couldn't wolf down Sheep Butt Fat stew.
It was exciting that both teams risked the fast forward, but Whiny-Man team should have left the minute they saw it was a food challenge.
Plus the Mom and Son team were rocking it this week! I loved that they had so much fun with their cow costume. I loved the Mongol warriors, and that Gold Eagle was beautiful.
So all and all a good week!
Now we just need to lose the Frat boys and all the annoying people will be gone.
Was basically a big long flashback to show us all how EEEeeeeeeeeevvvvil Pa Petrelli is.
Remember way back when was Heroes was actually good and Linderman the mob guy was the only ridiculous thing about the Petrellis?
Well Pa Petrelli placed a hit on Nate, (his son) because Nate, as a DA, was going after Linderman.
Ma Petrelli disagreed and with the help of the Haitian, poisoned Daddy-O, but was unable to kill him all the way dead.
And this little bit of family drama resulted in the convoluted mess we have today.
Seriously, that's all they explained.
Except that Pa was rewriting Ma's brain everytime she disagreed with him. Which makes her a little more sympathetic, but she's still pretty evil all on her own.
Oh wait! We did learn that Fire Mom is Blue Flamey Guy's sister, and that she worked for the company briefly, until she helped her brother escape and the resulting firefight (literally) between those two and the company agents caused the train fire where Claire first used her ability to save a firefighter.
That part was cool.
Let's see, at the very end Hiro woke up to find Future Seeing Guy dead, because apparently his powers conveniently stopped working. Pa Petrelli then proceeds to attack/kill Hiro.
Let's hope he fares a little better. Although if they had the bad guys win and ended the series, I'd have to give them props for an ending no one saw coming.
And all because is picky, overly-sensitive, vegetarian self couldn't wolf down Sheep Butt Fat stew.
It was exciting that both teams risked the fast forward, but Whiny-Man team should have left the minute they saw it was a food challenge.
Plus the Mom and Son team were rocking it this week! I loved that they had so much fun with their cow costume. I loved the Mongol warriors, and that Gold Eagle was beautiful.
So all and all a good week!
Now we just need to lose the Frat boys and all the annoying people will be gone.
Was basically a big long flashback to show us all how EEEeeeeeeeeevvvvil Pa Petrelli is.
Remember way back when was Heroes was actually good and Linderman the mob guy was the only ridiculous thing about the Petrellis?
Well Pa Petrelli placed a hit on Nate, (his son) because Nate, as a DA, was going after Linderman.
Ma Petrelli disagreed and with the help of the Haitian, poisoned Daddy-O, but was unable to kill him all the way dead.
And this little bit of family drama resulted in the convoluted mess we have today.
Seriously, that's all they explained.
Except that Pa was rewriting Ma's brain everytime she disagreed with him. Which makes her a little more sympathetic, but she's still pretty evil all on her own.
Oh wait! We did learn that Fire Mom is Blue Flamey Guy's sister, and that she worked for the company briefly, until she helped her brother escape and the resulting firefight (literally) between those two and the company agents caused the train fire where Claire first used her ability to save a firefighter.
That part was cool.
Let's see, at the very end Hiro woke up to find Future Seeing Guy dead, because apparently his powers conveniently stopped working. Pa Petrelli then proceeds to attack/kill Hiro.
Let's hope he fares a little better. Although if they had the bad guys win and ended the series, I'd have to give them props for an ending no one saw coming.
Monday AMV
My ipod is entering it's final stages. So I went to BestBuy to get a new MP3 player, one that wasn't i-anything, and I found the perfect one. Black. Reasonably priced. Sony so it won't freeze, die, kill my laptop every other month or so.
And you know they wouldn't sell it to me? That particular model is being held for Black Friday. So instead of selling it to me now at full price, they're going to wait and sell it for less in two weeks.
Fascinating strategy BestBuy.
Hmmm, what band could possibly express my modern technology angst on this dreary, bitter cold day?
My Chemical Romance.
And it's Naruto because ninjas are cool. Even when they're angsty, tortured teenagers.
And you know they wouldn't sell it to me? That particular model is being held for Black Friday. So instead of selling it to me now at full price, they're going to wait and sell it for less in two weeks.
Fascinating strategy BestBuy.
Hmmm, what band could possibly express my modern technology angst on this dreary, bitter cold day?
My Chemical Romance.
And it's Naruto because ninjas are cool. Even when they're angsty, tortured teenagers.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Quantum of Solace
Quantum of Solace picks up right where Casino Royale left off, so you'll want to watch that again before you go see this.
Trust me. I was lucky because one of my friends had a blackberry and looked up the plot line before the movie started. (We got there early for good seats) Otherwise I would have spent the entire movie going "Wait, who are these people again?"
It was quite good, including chases by land, sea and air. I like this new move to make Bond movies action movies instead of Bond movies. Because the standard Bond movie drives me crazy.
You'll want to sit farther back in the theater though. Some of the action scenes happen very fast, and if you're too close it's just big blurs flashing across the scene with crashes and gun shots.
I liked it, although the first one was a little better, Quantum was still an exciting movie. I have one critique with the end, but I don't want to spoil it.
I LOVE M's cool computer stuff.
Trust me. I was lucky because one of my friends had a blackberry and looked up the plot line before the movie started. (We got there early for good seats) Otherwise I would have spent the entire movie going "Wait, who are these people again?"
It was quite good, including chases by land, sea and air. I like this new move to make Bond movies action movies instead of Bond movies. Because the standard Bond movie drives me crazy.
You'll want to sit farther back in the theater though. Some of the action scenes happen very fast, and if you're too close it's just big blurs flashing across the scene with crashes and gun shots.
I liked it, although the first one was a little better, Quantum was still an exciting movie. I have one critique with the end, but I don't want to spoil it.
I LOVE M's cool computer stuff.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Fun
Yeah it's the weekend!! I'm ready for the weekend. Here's a video to help us all get into a party mood.
Marines performing the cha cha slide.
Cha Cha Slide USMC Style
Marines performing the cha cha slide.
Cha Cha Slide USMC Style
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday AMV
Know what the best part of a weekend conference on the Chesapeake Bay is?
All you can eat crab legs.
This weeks AMV features the anime Azumanga Daioh, which is a funny yet strange story about girls in high school.
I picked it because I really liked the song, especially after reading my friend's adventures as a Mom in suburbia.
All you can eat crab legs.
This weeks AMV features the anime Azumanga Daioh, which is a funny yet strange story about girls in high school.
I picked it because I really liked the song, especially after reading my friend's adventures as a Mom in suburbia.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Ow. . . .
Tonight in Krav we learned the defense to a bear hug, which is fun because it involves the instructions "and then you just go crazy."
Going crazy is fun, but going crazy for any length of time takes some stamina. 30 seconds of crazy feels like 5 minutes.
Tonight will also be forever known as the night Corbeau decided to invest in some female groin protection.
Going crazy is fun, but going crazy for any length of time takes some stamina. 30 seconds of crazy feels like 5 minutes.
Tonight will also be forever known as the night Corbeau decided to invest in some female groin protection.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tonight at Krav, we learned how to sumo wrestle. It was loads of fun, and I even won a round. I managed to get my opponent off balance in the initial rush, and then I ran and pushed like a mad woman.
It's hard to win a game where you score points by pushing your opponent around, or picking them up, and everyone's bigger than you.

Although none of the guys tried to pick me up, for which I was grateful. I don't like being picked up. But I've come to accept that there are certain guys in this world who like to show off their manliness by picking up small women.
Of course with me, the jokes on them. I'm much heavier than I look. Thank you germanic ancestry! So usually I just go limp and let them experience the joy of supporting my full body weight.
It's hard to look manly when you're holding a small woman, but you're face is bright red and all your veins pop out.
It's hard to win a game where you score points by pushing your opponent around, or picking them up, and everyone's bigger than you.

Although none of the guys tried to pick me up, for which I was grateful. I don't like being picked up. But I've come to accept that there are certain guys in this world who like to show off their manliness by picking up small women.
Of course with me, the jokes on them. I'm much heavier than I look. Thank you germanic ancestry! So usually I just go limp and let them experience the joy of supporting my full body weight.
It's hard to look manly when you're holding a small woman, but you're face is bright red and all your veins pop out.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election Fevah!
The polls this morning were crazy. People at worked stood in lines for as long as 2 hours. When they asked if I had voted, I said "I'm going after work" and they all gave me pitying stares, because if the lines were bad at 6am, they'll be crazy bad at 4pm.
Well I'm happy to report that I walked right in, got my ballot, and voted all under 5 minutes. The longest wait came when I couldn't find my license. Little sucker slid somewhere it wasn't supposed to be.
I pulled a muscle in my leg last week at Krav, so I've been resting it. Today I got some icy hot to put on it. It feels really nice, but now my leg smells like toothpaste, which is really weird.
I might have to brush my teeth soon.
Well I'm happy to report that I walked right in, got my ballot, and voted all under 5 minutes. The longest wait came when I couldn't find my license. Little sucker slid somewhere it wasn't supposed to be.
I pulled a muscle in my leg last week at Krav, so I've been resting it. Today I got some icy hot to put on it. It feels really nice, but now my leg smells like toothpaste, which is really weird.
I might have to brush my teeth soon.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Monday AMV
I bought Naruto Ninja Revolution for the Wii. It's fun, and so far I've managed to win every battle by pushing buttons and swinging madly. I've started the mission storyline though, so soon I'll have to learn how to play it properly.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Ninja Report!
This week has been a little crazy.
Thursday night we went into DC to see the Sheng Wei dance troupe. Sheng Wei is the guy who choreographed by the same guy who did the opening ceremony for the Olympics. The floor was covered in what looked like little colored rocks, making a beautiful pattern of red, blue, white, and yellow. Like a sand painting from the Western deserts. Once the dancers came out I realized that it was actually colored confetti, and as the dancers moved through it, it would splash up in little waves of color. As the dance got bigger, the dancers would move and roll across the ground, and the confetti would cling to the dancers, and then sprinkle off as they moved. Soon, each dancer was accompanied by their own personal shower of glittery colory rain.
It was amazing beautiful.
Friday I wore my ninja costume to work. Apparently a ninja making copies or working on at a computer is inherently hilarious because anyone who walked by while I was actually working started cracking up.
Just about everyone said it was an awesome costume though. After I got home, I went to a couple of Halloween parties in the neighborhood. There were pictures taken, but not by me. (Ninja uniforms lack pockets) I'll try and get some copies, so you can see how awesome I looked.
Today has been really nice, so I went for a bike ride with BSA. My bike is a 100 dollar Wal-mart special, but it worked out all right.
Thursday night we went into DC to see the Sheng Wei dance troupe. Sheng Wei is the guy who choreographed by the same guy who did the opening ceremony for the Olympics. The floor was covered in what looked like little colored rocks, making a beautiful pattern of red, blue, white, and yellow. Like a sand painting from the Western deserts. Once the dancers came out I realized that it was actually colored confetti, and as the dancers moved through it, it would splash up in little waves of color. As the dance got bigger, the dancers would move and roll across the ground, and the confetti would cling to the dancers, and then sprinkle off as they moved. Soon, each dancer was accompanied by their own personal shower of glittery colory rain.
It was amazing beautiful.
Friday I wore my ninja costume to work. Apparently a ninja making copies or working on at a computer is inherently hilarious because anyone who walked by while I was actually working started cracking up.
Just about everyone said it was an awesome costume though. After I got home, I went to a couple of Halloween parties in the neighborhood. There were pictures taken, but not by me. (Ninja uniforms lack pockets) I'll try and get some copies, so you can see how awesome I looked.
Today has been really nice, so I went for a bike ride with BSA. My bike is a 100 dollar Wal-mart special, but it worked out all right.
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