Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Fevah!

The polls this morning were crazy. People at worked stood in lines for as long as 2 hours. When they asked if I had voted, I said "I'm going after work" and they all gave me pitying stares, because if the lines were bad at 6am, they'll be crazy bad at 4pm.

Well I'm happy to report that I walked right in, got my ballot, and voted all under 5 minutes. The longest wait came when I couldn't find my license. Little sucker slid somewhere it wasn't supposed to be.


I pulled a muscle in my leg last week at Krav, so I've been resting it. Today I got some icy hot to put on it. It feels really nice, but now my leg smells like toothpaste, which is really weird.

I might have to brush my teeth soon.

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