Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday Parties!

The time of feasting has begun! Yesterday we had our office holiday party, and I have three more coming up over the weekend. Tis the season for overeating.

I ate a lot yesterday too, and then I went to Krav later that night and experienced something I like to call "Revenge of the Cheesecake."

I figured I'd be okay with a 6 hour digestion window, but we did endurance exercises, and those are always hard.

At one point I had to start doing girl push-ups. That always makes me feel like a sissy girl.


tiff said...

Are you kidding me?! The only one in this world who would call you sissy is yourself. If I didn't know your kind and generous and hilarious soul, I'd be scared of you.

tiff said...

And what's the deal? How do you get invited to so many holiday parties? I want to come and eat and be with adults....

corbeau said...

Well the building had one, my unit will have one, and then my team is having one.

Tomorrow I'm going to the holiday party at the law firm I used to work for which will have awesome high end catering. Last year they had an amuse-bouche that was duck with a blackberry and it was soooo good.

Anyway, Saturday a coworker is throwing a holiday breakfast, and Sunday another friend is having their holiday party.

On the downside, I wake up at 5, commute in NoVa traffic, and slave away for 40 hours every week.