Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We've had our first snow in ages! It snowed for hours yesterday, big, fat, fluffy flakes that made it hard to focus on work because you'd watch the snow and think of snowmen.

When I was driving home, I saw people having a snow fight as they walked to the bus stop.

We haven't had snow in ages. It's been so long in fact, that we've forgotten where we've stored the snow shovel, or if we even actually own said shovel.

I think we must though. I know we've had to shovel snow before. Since it's MIA though, the snow pack on our sidewalk is nice and icy this morning, and I fear the parking lot may have become a skating rink of death.

I guess I better go dig my car out.

1 comment:

W.W. said...

Go make a snow angel!!