Saturday, February 07, 2009

Stuff and Thingies

I just got back from seeing Coraline, and as a stop motion movie, it's a work of art. I'll give it mad props for the work that went into it. As a story, it was one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. That kind of things that will haunt your nightmares, and evil will forever bear the shrill nasal qualities of Teri Hatcher.


Children to the left of me, "Mommy this movie is scary."

Children to the right of me, "I don't want to watch this anymore!"

And I was leaving the theater I overheard a guy tell his girlfriend that the kid next to him was in tears.

So this might be a good one to skip taking your little ones to.

Also, how on earth did they get a PG rating when there's an entire scene featuring an old lady with enormous breasts wearing nothing but a thong and pasties?!

Again I say, Brrrr!!!

On to something not quite so scaring, last night I went with BSA to the Kennedy Center to see the Alvin Ailey Dance Company perform their 50th anniversary concert special. Or something like that.

Little did we know that President Obama would also be in attendance. This meant that not only was every cop in DC stationed around the Kennedy center, but that I also had to go through security. I did not dress for security. I had metal on my shirt, belt, and shoes. So I had to get wanded.

Now I can say that I've been in the same room as the President though. Never actually saw him, since I was in the balcony, and he was seated below us, but I did see loads of crazy people crowding the railing in an attempt to see him, despite the stern looks of one lone secret service agent. It got to the point where I feared I'd see someone go overboard, but the ushers finally came and broke it up.

The dancing was beautiful. They started with a short video talking about Alvin Ailey, how he built his school, and what they're doing now. Then they danced, all kinds of styles to all kinds of music. My favorites in the first third was a solo by a woman in a beautiful white dress, who danced to a musical version of the Lord's prayer, and a dance where all the dancers were supposed to be water.

There were two exceptionally long intermissions, and the final act was a performance of "Revelations" a dance that Alvin Ailey choreographed in the 60s. It was all set to gospel music and it was amazing.

I loved it.


Kristen said...

thanks for the warning - craig had wanted to take the kids...

DFL said...

I think living in DC is about to get alternately very exciting and very frustrating. I was trying to go to dinner downtown Friday night, but got completely derailed because the Prez decided to go to the Wizards/Bulls game and there were fire trucks and police cars cordoning off blocks all the way around the Verizon Center. Of course, since it was also rush hour and Friday night, it made for lovely traffic.