Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Krav Story

Tonight, at Krav, we played hot potato with a 25 lbs medicine ball. If you dropped it or missed, you had to do push ups.

I had to do push ups twice. I would argue that only one of them counts however. We were in squares of four people and there was a guy who looked like Mr. Clean across from me diagonally. When he threw the ball to me across the diagonal, I didn't really drop it. It was more like I fell over backwards with it.

Tonight we did sparring. This was the first time in a 2nd level sparring class that I managed to hold my own against all the mens. Usually I end up dodging and blocking like mad in a desperate attempt to get hit less. But tonight, not only did I throw attacks, I managed to get hits in.

Yeah me!


Nanette said...

Sooooo, do you come home just COVERED in bruises. . .
Yet secure in the knowledge you can take someone down if needs be?

corbeau said...

I get bruised, but I've only come home covered in bruises twice. Once after the level test, and once after ground grappling.

But it is nice to know that I could take someone down. :)