Saturday, February 21, 2009

Krav Maga

I sort of slept through Krav fit this morning, so I just ended up doing one class. I know Nan wanted to see a video, but I don't know how my instructors would feel about that.

I found some videos on youtube that show what we do though, so enjoy!

And these guys are going through the self defense moves:


W.W. said...

So are what are we to call you now?

Nanette said...

Wow! What a work out! That does not look anything like Sweatin' to the Oldies ;)
I guess if that's what works for you. . .
I'm thinking Wii fit is more my style :)

corbeau said...

Call me Corbeau.

It is a really hard workout, but everything you learn has a real world application.

There's nothing worse than being at someone's mercy, and not having any options.