Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday AMV
I'm off to sleep, so I can actually make it to midnight tonight.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
French Bread: The Complete Saga
I've been wanting to try my new breadmaker, so Saturday afternoon I went to the grocery store and got all the stuff. I decided to try the French Bread recipe. It was 5 when I started, but since I didn't have to leave until 8 I figured I had plenty of time.
I mixed it up, and set the cycle. An hour passed. I started getting worried. So I got out the instruction manual and looked up what those numbers on the display actually meant.
Nuts. 3 hours might be cutting it close. It took that long just to knead and rise and then knead again, and I didn't want it baking while no one was home. By 8:00 it still had a half hour to rise before the baking cycle. I stopped the machine and unplugged it, and hoped it wouldn't rise too much by the time I got home again.
I got home from the movie, and while the dough was, er substantially larger than when I left, it was still all in the bread machine. I punched it back down and tried to find a pan to bake it in. We don't have any bread pans, so I tossed that sucker in an 8X8 brownie pan (This required more punching. Good thing I took that self defense class) and put it in the oven. This was about 11:30.
After an hour I took it out, got a spatula and that sucker popped right out of the pan and landed on the counter with an incredible CRACK. If you want to know what it sounded like, grab a brick, hold it over your head, and then let it drop on the counter top.
"Oh no!" I thought to myself, "this sucker is hard as a rock."
"See what the inside is like" my roomie, we'll call her Nita, suggested.
I found the biggest knife we had. I attempted to cut a slice, but this only annoyed the bread. I started sawing furiously, then I started chopping, then a samurai swing. Finally, by pushing down on the knife with both hands and most of my body weight, I managed to get a piece.
The inside was soft, fluffy, and delicious.
I've invented the lobster of breadstuffs.
I ate my piece like a corn on the cob. I held the crust in my hands and gnawed the bread off it. Nita was a little braver and actually attempted to eat the crust. We had to turn the volume up on the tv. Chewing that stuff made the most incredible racket.
So for my next attempt, I'll go for regular bread, and make sure I have plenty of time to leave it in the machine from start to finish.
We were also a wee bit late to church today.
Oh man...
I've been smelling it for the last hour.
Movies, Bread, and Mission Impossible
I went and saw National Treasure 2 tonight. It was a very fun movie. After watching it, I think Mount Vernon should build a secret passageway, complete with creepy spywebs, leading from the stables out to the GW parkway.
Or the parking lot. Whichever.
Dude. Mission Impossible is on!! Yeah for cable running old old reruns. I forgot Peter Graves was Mr. Phelps. "Your mission Jim..."
Anyway, sorry, NT2 also features the Library of Congress. The Library is my favorite building in the city, so I was happy that others get to see how beautiful it is. It's not really the first thing you think about touring when you come to DC.
I'm baking bread. Because, what else are you going to do at 12 on a Sat night?
Actually, I really wanted to try my new bread maker, so I started a loaf at 5. I didn't have to leave for the theater until 8, and I thought three hours would be plenty of time.
Laugh at my naivete. When I left, it still had 45 minutes to raise before the hour baking period started. Since I didn't want to leave it while I was at the theater, I stopped the machine. I checked it first thing when I got home. Luckily, it hadn't raised too much (I was picturing something out of I Love Lucy. An enormous dough monster devouring my kitchen or something) so I punched it down and put it in the oven. I had to guess at temp and time though, so this should be interesting.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
What is...
Me, a summons for jury duty.
And that my dear friends, is why you should always check your mail on Christmas Eve. No matter how late it gets delivered.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Hogswatch!
I hope you're all enjoying your vacation. If you get some free time, I found some fun clips for you to enjoy from the movie version of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather.
Death explains the true meaning of stockings:
I love how they did Susan's hair. Here's a clip of Susan using some of her family gifts on a boogey man:
And since it's Monday, here's the requisite fan made music video:
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday Fun
Bureau of Communications.
They're pretty fun, although I'm more excited for the forms of the future. I think the "Declaration of Romantic Intent" will be hilarious.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I'm still not sold on the Joker
I miss soprano Joker though. I admit, Mark Hamill's Joker has the definitive voice/laugh for me.
Bowling Night
If I ever start a band, I'm going to call it, "Bowling While Caffeinated."
In a truly brilliant moment, a rolled a ball that headed straight for the gutter. Luckily, it hit a pin that was stuck in the gutter, bounced back out, and knocked down a bunch of pins.
It was awesome.
In another moment of brilliance, I bowled a three way split. Three pins, each with a big space between them. The girl next to me said, "I have never seen anything like that. How did you do that?"
I said, "I don't know. I didn't think it was possible." I looked back to my team captain, who looked as dumbfounded as I felt and he said, "Just pick one."
So I did.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Avatar Awesomeness
So what happens when two of my favorite Avatar characters meet for the first time?
Monday AMV
People still watch this show?
I gave up sometime after Anna Lucia showed up. I can't say exactly when, because I'm not about anything that happens on this ridiculous show.
Colonial Williamsburg

And the baker makes fresh pigeon pie for the holiday feast.
And those delicious looking chocolate cookies may actually be fried pigs feet in disguise.
Where the Pipe and Fife band is adorable,
And the Royal Governor doesn't realize that it's waaaay too cold to revolt. He yelled at us for doing it anyway though. Virginians! Virginians! To Arms!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Friday Fun
It's awesome.
Via TV in Japan.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bowling Report
Last night I developed our team strategy/cheer. "Hit More Pins!" It's relevant to so many of life's little bowling related problems.
Despite my winning strategy, Team Air Strike got hit hard in the first round. This led to much razzing from the winning team. Our Team Captain turned towards us, bowling fervor in his eyes, and with a gruff yet emotional voice said, "This is the round where we kick ass."
"Oh good" said the bowler 2, "because I've been holding myself back all night." Bowler 2 likes to bowl gutters on both sides of the lane, just in case one starts feeling lonely. This bowling philosophy is almost as impressive as my Sniper Bowling.
But I digress.
So after announcing our impending victory, our Captain bowled and knocked a single pin off the back left corner.
The opposing team let out a raucous cheer. One turned to me and said, "Yeah, you're showing us. That was impressive!" In response, I developed our Team Zen Bowling Mantra.
I looked her right in the eye and said, "Bowling Kick-assery begins with the fall of a single pin."
In defense of my cuss word, Kick-buttery sounds like a flaky pastry.
Anyway, our Captain went for his second roll, and got a spare.
Gutter girl got a strike.
I rolled a spare
and our fourth rolled a strike.
There was silence on the other team. "Wow" said teasing opposition girl, "I didn't realize you guys were serious."
It was pretty cool. I rolled my highest bowling score ever: 132, and all four of us managed to break 100 that round. We still lost, but only by 7 points.
Of course, the third round we flopped. Who can bowl three games in a row? Chucking a 9 lbs ball around gets tiring.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Found via Ace of Spades.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Monday AMV
But during that Avatar special, we finally learned what happened to Suki, who's alive (yeah!) but imprisoned and being tortured by Azula (oh Noes!)
So here's to our favorite Kyoshi warrior.
Also, the water tribe has the coolest armor in the Avatar world.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I go A-Waissaling
Anyway, they had a big crockpot full of waissal, which I really like. Waissel is that drink where my Dad would take a pot; toss in a bunch of OJ, a bunch of apple juice, a bunch of floaty spicy things (cinnamon sticks, these wierd little black balls, strange twigs, suspicious specks which I think are from nutmeg, etc.) and cook it on the stove.
I love it. Although getting to the liquid without scooping up all the floaties can be a neat trick. Sort of like a reverse bobbing for apples.
Anyway, the crockpot had hardly any floaties, so I ladle myself a glass, and then I couldn't remember where I grabbed the ladle from. Was it on the side? Was it in the wassail? The crockpot looked deep, so I was afraid that if I stuck it back in, the ladle would slide all the way down to the bottom of the pot. So I tried to sort of lie it across the top of the crockpot, but that wasn't working either. So I tried the side, and then I looked around the table to see if there was like some sort of ladle plate, and then I tried to leave it in the wiassel, but angled so the hook would catch the lid of the crockpot. (didn't work) I was attempting to lay it diagonally across the pot when a girl at the bread plate said "Excuse me, are you talking to the wassal?"
And that's when I realized that I had been narrating my every attempt at ladle placement. I looked at her, mouth open as I made this realization. Then I recovered, stared back down at the wassel and said. "Yes. Yes I am. I'm hoping it will tell me where the ladle goes."
I looked back at her. She had this look on her face like she was torn between laughing or backing away slowly. So I said, "I'm sorry. I'm really tired." and then she laughed.
It was a little embarressing though.
Friday Fun--Early
I found this because it was labeled "Ninja Dance."
Here's another Ninja Dance:
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Heroes Season Finale Blogged LIVE!
Mohinder's nose band aid is adorable. I wish it were SpongeBob though.
Maya just realized that Sylar is evil. Well, no duh Maya. It's about time you realized how dumb you are.
Hey, Molly is awake. just... ugh. You moron.
Yeah!! Momma Petrelli! I love complex bad guys.
"One bullet. Right through the head. It's the only way." I love Momma Petrelli!! She gives me chills.
Nate and Boring Cop better hurry up.
Hiro is so cool.
Oh Noes!! Hiro got zapped.
Adam, give Hiro back his sword you JERK!!!
Why does Peter believe Adam so implicitly?
Claire's going public. By using a phone book?!
Oh, poor little psychopathic Veronica. Now Elle's talking with HRG! Sweet.
I just realized that HRG is doing the ball bounce from the beginning of The Great Escape.
Holy crap, I forgot all about Nikki dying.
NOW you decide to start asking pertinent questions? Peter, you moron.
Why doesn't Mohinder just go ahead and use the wrong dosage to kill him? "Sure, here's the antidote." Stick him, he dies, everyone goes home happy.
Elle's using her Veronica Mars detective skills. She probably stops Sylar. Go Elle!! Kick BUTT!
Brainiac is screwing up traffic patterns all over New Orleans.
I'm impressed Nate could carry Boring Fat Cop all that way.
Flyboy's still around? Why? Oh man, even his dialogue is lame.
Claire's not going public. oh wait she is, just not about Flyboy.
Mr. Muggles wants you to go Public.
Daddy's home!
Ha! Maya's going to learn that bro is dead, and she's is going to flip out.
Or not. Wow, that was the most pointless story arc ever. "Maya and Alejandro drive Sylar to NY, and then he murders them. The End."
I'm always amazed that ER is still on. Oh for pity's sake!! He's going to kill you anyway Mohinder.
ohhh, HRG is crying.
If Peter kills Hiro I will hate him forever.
All my friends that helped me save the world last time are all just really confused and/or evil, so I'll just fight/kill them. Come on Peter. Use your brain.
Thank heavens Nate is here. He always was the smart one.
Now Nate is going public. I'm starting to detect a theme.
YES!! Good shooting Elle. It's about freaking time.
You saved Maya instead of Nikki? Mohinder You MORON!
Go Nikki! Club that thug.
No! Don't kill off NIKKI!!!! That poor kid. He lost both his folks to fire.
whoa... Hiro...that's way harsh. Adam is living every claustrophobe's nightmare for eternity.
So Sylar is still running amok? AARRGHH!
So Nate actually did go public. Nate. He gets things done.
Nate gets assassinated??!! But who will do all Peter's thinking?!
Crap, that's two characters that I actually like.
ooohhhh, what did Momma Petrelli mean by "Pandora's Box?"
So, Slyar's all better and now has his powers back. Thanks alot Mohinder.
Go Team Airstrike!
I did all right. I bowled an average of 80 (most of the others broke a hundred, but everyone was really nice about it. I just now have a big handicap on my score)
I was able to introduce my team to the concept of "Sniper Bowling" which is where you use your elite bowling skills to pick off a single pin of the ten available, and the even more controversial "Reverse Bowling" where the person with the lowest score actually wins.
Reverse bowling was shot down, but they did enjoy Sniper Bowling. Especially for nasty splits.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Heroes Recap will be Delayed
Thank Yew!!
I might not be able to watch it tomorrow either, as I have been drafted for the work bowling league and tomorrow is our first match.
Sure sure, laugh it up. I told them I only bowl a 60, but they said it didn't matter. If I humiliate myself, I'll be sure to write for the blog. (minor historical revisions are highly likely.)
Monday AMV
Congrats Sakura. It took over 200 episodes, but you're finally cool.
UPDATE: Man, I was trying to find a way to set this to post tomorrow. But it didn't work. Darn it.
UPDATE UPDATE: I love that Sakura's battle cry is "Hell Yeah." I'll have to adopt it for my Krav classes.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
First Day on the New Schedule
It's Gosh Darn Freaking Early.
I was nervous that I would sleep through my alarm, so I woke up every hour on the hour all last night. I got up on time, and in fact, I got on the road a little early.
Just FYI. It is really cold, and really dark at 5:45am.
The commute was actually quite nice. There was traffic, but it was steady and we moved at a good pace. Unlike the other side of the freeway, which was looking like a parking lot. (at freaking 6 in the morning!)
I got to work a half hour early, so I stayed in the car and read, and then watched the start of the sunrise.
The START of the sunrise. That is freaking early man.
I got my labcoat today though. And that makes me the luckiest girl in the world.
Nan's Challenge
How about Czech Live Action Role Players (LARPers)?
Or their American Cousins?
Lightening Bolt!!
Or there's always the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
I actually participated in the SCA while at USU. That armor is heavier than crap. Which is just one of the reasons why I became a ninja instead of a crusader.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Oh honestly!
So, is the snitch just hidden somewhere random on campus or what?
Found via Ace of Spades
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
That Oscar Movie
My favorite line: "and Johnny Depp, doing something weird."
Heroes: Exceptionally Late Edition
That's okay though, because he's only mostly dead.
Oh well, here's my recap:
Maya the Moron deserves whatever she gets. Die Maya Die!!
I so did not need to see Sexy Shower Sylar. Die Sylar Die!!
Perhaps they could take out each other, thus satisfying the "2 Heroes Shall Fall" clause of the previews prophecy.
Adam is evil! At last we know for sure.
Peter is still really gullible. And suddenly very concerned about Irish girl. Did he remember her last episode or something?
Last Week: ON Heroes:
Peter: Oh yeah, There was this Irish girl that I left behind in a horrible disease ridden future. I should, like, try to rescue her or something.
Adam: Santa Claus also wants you to pick up the winning lotto numbers while you're in the future. To, you know, help fund the Save the World Campaign.
Peter: Well, if Santa says it's okay, and it's to save the world, then sure!
Anyway, back to my recap.
Ando gets left behind. Again. Why do they keep doing this? Have they forgotten how awesome Ando is? Free Ando!!
Nikki will live.
Could Mohinder get any more preachy? I can't even give you a fashion report anymore because he keeps showing up in that indestructible white suit; speechifying with quivering, righteous fury.
Copycat girl apparently forgot that she watched a bunch of karate movies and got kidnapped by thugs. Maybe her copycat talents have a time limit?
Veronica Mars got injured somehow, and also apparently forgot that she can shoot lightening out of her hands.
Come on Veronica, don't let Claire push you around!!
This should be Flyboy's last week, so that's a plus.
I feel like I'm missing something. Did I miss something? What do you, the viewers at home think?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Just for Nan
More spoofs from the London tube lady.
London Funny
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2007
How cute is that?
Also, we had a vendor lunch today with all the office ninjas. I was the first one in (since I'm not doing a whole lot today) and the vendor says "So how do you like working here."
and I reply "It's great! This office is awesome."
And he says "You can be honest with us."
and I said, "I am. It's my last day!"
He laughed until he realized I was being serious, as I gathered my free lunch and made myself comfortable for a presentation on stuff I will never ever use.
The best part though, was as all the other ninjas came in, the vendor lunch started morphing into a "Corbeau farewell party."
The vendors looked annoyed, but we calmed down eventually, and listened politely. Those first few minutes were a lot of fun though.
In honor of this historic occasion of my last day as an office ninja, I bring you this special Onion News Report on Ninja Parades.
Ninja Parade Slips Through Town Unnoticed Once Again
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday Night Fight
Monday I got there pretty early, about 5:15. There was a bag class going on, and the instructor was an extremely muscled man with a high and tight and a military style of motivation. (Turns out he used to be Navy Air Crew, we'll call him Navy AC). Anyway, he only had one girl there for bag class, and since they're offering free trials this month, he invited me to join.
It was a lot of punching. Lots and lots of punching. So much punching, that I wore through the skin of my knuckles, even though I was wearing gloves. When I wasn't punching the bag, I was jump roping.
That took me awhile to get started. The last time I jumped rope I had a crimped ponytail on the side of my head.
Anyway, it was a really good workout, and I got some good one on one instruction. Especially after a couple of sets, when the other girl kept trying to curl into a ball. And the instructors would yell out "Move around. Walk it off, you're going to faint!" Then they would ask me if I felt okay and I'd grin like an idiot and they'd give me another set.
She also kept trying to cheat on her push ups, and since Navy AC was military, that just meant we kept doing more push ups.
She quit before the class was over, and then Navy AC taught me slapping. Because learning to back hand the snot out of someone without breaking your fingers is an important life skill. It was also loads of fun, and slapping makes this really satisfying THWACK sound when you hit the bag.
He gave me ten minutes to rest before I started my Krav class. My arms were shaky, my shirt was soaked, and I had a stitch in my side. The other girl gave up and went home instead of staying for the next class. My partner for class looked at me and said "Wow, you look really tired."
We did more push ups in the group class. I just flopped to the ground, panting, until the up command was given and then I'd roll up. It's MUCH easier to cheat on push ups in a big group. I used my finely tuned "rest while the Petty Officer isn't looking" skills that I developed in boot camp.
We started drilling, and learned some new techniques. That was fine with me, as it meant standing around in a circle to watch the instructors. We were doing eye strikes when my partner said "I feel faint" and she had to go sit down.
So I'm trying to practice them by myself, when Navy AC notices and says "What happened to your partner?" I told him and then he had me come over and work with him and another student without a partner.
This student though, was a big fellow. I'd say over a foot taller than me and at least a hundred pounds heavier, all muscle. And it was just in time for "Body Conditioning" where we learn how to take a hit.
Big Fellow looked just as nervous about hitting me as I felt about getting hit. His first punch barely tapped my stomach. I actually rolled me eyes and said, "you can hit me harder than that." So the next one became a light tap. Then Navy AC got in his face a bit and the NEXT hit doubled me over and popped my mouth protector out.
This was enough to bring the head instructor over who said something like "You can HIT her, but don't kill her." Navy AC was laughing and saying "It's okay She's TOUGH." and then of course, I was thinking things like "The tough instructor thinks I'm TOUGH" and then my mouth was saying "Yeah, I'm fine. I can take it" because apparently I'm insane. The Head Instructor said "Okay, but for ****-sake make sure she's breathing correctly."
I've heard a variation on this phrase many times in my life. For example, when I was in the Navy, me and another vertically challenged sailor were tasked with taping off the boiler pipes in Engineering so they could be painted. The PO in charge said "I'm going to send you in one at a time for 5 minutes each. Be careful, work fast, and for ****-sake don't let any of the pipes touch your bare skin."
Or another instant, when I was hanging upside down over the back of the ship and the PO in charge was instructing my safety, the last phrase was "and for ****-sake don't drop her." Since I was hanging over the screws (propellers for you landlubbers) I thought this was excellent advice.
Anyway, I took a couple more hits, and learned how to flex the ab muscles through breathing so it didn't hurt as much.
At the end of the class Navy AC raised his fist and we punched knuckles. That was awesome.
I was exhausted though. I came home and iced my knee, and almost fell asleep during Heroes.
Tuesday....I spent the day in PAIN. Agonizing pain. That's why I'm writing this a little late. Every time I thought about writing it up yesterday, I'd also think "Or I could just sit here, and read this webcomic a little more. I'll write this afternoon, when I feel a little more rested. Maybe when I get home. Maybe tomor..zzzzz."
VA Vanity Plates
Vanity plates are everywhere out here. Just this morning I was admiring the cleverness of a red volkswagon beetle called "Tomato" or the car that was "L8 AGIN"
I guess it gives you something to read while stuck in traffic and, of course, it's so helpful when you need to offer commentary about that specific car's driving skills.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Here's my recap:
Hey it's DL! He's alive! Oh no wait, he's dead again.
Is it just me, or is Peter really gullible? I mean honestly, he believes everything anyone tells him.
Nate should be dead. Honestly.
Ma Petrelli brought out her cold mean side, keeping her family's mutant powers secret by telling Nate's wife insanity ran in the family.
That's cold.
I also want to know how Mrs. Patrelli and the Haitian are connected. He also helped her during the first season.
Alejandro of the death twins has horrible taste in women. Poor guy also had the worst wedding ever.
Veronica Mars is a sociopath!! Also, for a girl who's been in a facility for 16 years, she does pretty well driving around a foreign country.
Nikki has another personality named Gina. Prompting me to wonder, ala Wakko Warner, "Just how many people do you have in there?" Having several personalities all warring for control could be interesting, but I bet we only saw her for the whole random side trip to LA to kill off DL.
So, is it Adam/Good Bob/Bad, or is it Bob/Good Adam/Bad. Who will really save the world?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday AMV
Here's one of my all time favorite Naruto fights, Shikamaru vs. Temari.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Friday Fun: Deep Dark Secret Edition
It was Mary Worth, and I'm hopelessly addicted. I can't help it! I started during the amazing Aldo stalking storyline, where our brave elderly heroine, Mary Worth, was being stalked by a Captain Kangaroo look alike named Aldo, which ended when he got drunk and drove off a cliff to die in a mangled fiery blaze of glory.
This was followed by even more unintentional hilarity when an old lady "psychic" named Ella moved into Mary's living complex (Charterstone), and the two had a war about which old lady meddler would rule the hapless denizens.
Currently, Charterstone is embroiled in the torrid love triangle of Dr. Drew Corey, Dawn and Vera (Oh those wild young people! Will they ever learn?) and which is especially remarkable since it has a minimum of Mary meddling.
This is my deep dark secret. Even after the Post dropped Mary Worth from its pages, I'm still following it online. Fortunately, there are others like me, and so we have this youtube tribute, the Drew and Vera saga.
In case you doubt the awesomeness that was the Aldo Kelrast story line, here's a fun fan movie of Aldo stalking Mary, Benny Hill style:
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Ha!! Take That Xmen quizzes!!
Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0 created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Storm Storm is the seconday team leader of the X-Men. She has a peaceful personality but must be careful since her emotions control her powers. She loves gardening and is afaid of tight spaces. Powers: Control of the Weather
Dang IT!!
Best Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz. Non-cheatable! created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Cyclops Codename: Cyclops
You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
"We saved the world. I say we have to party." |
To be honest though, I only took this quiz because I got Cyclops on the "Which Xmen are you?" quiz.
Cyclops bugs me.
I mean, honestly:
You Are Cyclops |
Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause. You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them. Power: force beams from your eyes |
Ah, Bien Sur
Pass the Camembert.
Your Inner European is French! |
Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so. |
More Fun Blog Quizzes
Basically, it determines the level of education required to fully comprehend a blog. Especially one filled with as many subtle nuances as mine.
Here's my ranking!
Get a Cash Advance
This is fine with me, as I loved my undergrad years. Obviously it was my keen analysis and deep insights into Heroes that have gotten us to this illustrious level.
Also, I always try and run the spell check.
Out Damn SPOT!!
There it sat. A big white spot right in the center, where I would keep my S if I were Superman.
So I scrubbed it off. It came back. So I used some soap and scrubbed. Of course now I had a big wet spot, but I needed to leave, and figured it would dry behind my coat during the train ride into work.
I get to work, take off my coat, and there's the white stain, bright and cheeky as ever.
Dang it!
I got a Shout wipe from a friend, and over the course of the morning have scrubbed at my spot 3 different times to no avail.
Obviously this is no normal spot. It's a spot of the undead. A zombie spot. A vampire spot. A monstrous mutant monster spot constantly regenerating in its quest to make me look really stupid. The only way to kill such a monster is to cut off it's head, pour salt on it and then burn it.
Of course, this is a stain on a shirt so my options are a bit more limited.
I'm considering an exorcism. Or dry cleaning.
And today one of my samurai is taking me out for a congratulatory/farewell lunch at Bobby Van's on NY Ave. (Hmmmmm, four star beef)
Nothing says classy like having toothpaste emblazoned on your chest.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Heroes--With Startling Revelations!!
The pacing was fast, the plot neatly interconnected, and the story full of stunning revelations!
Lets go over some of them:
Turns out the virus that Bob and Co. are manufacturing will wipe out 93% of the world's population.
And that boys and girls is why we don't design uber-bugs. Didn't any of those people see The Stand? The movie in which Molly Ringwald sets a whole new standard for "whiny?"
Back to Heroes, Ma Petrelli remains classy, even in an apocalyptic future. I think her power may be a really subtle compulsion. Think about it. Everyone ends up doing what she tells them to. Peter even recovers a bit of his memory, just because she said so.
And now, for my list of astonishing revelations. All Astonishing Revelations will be duly noted with an exclamation point of wonder and surprise at the end.
Irish girl gets left behind in an unpleasant future!
Jessica/Niki gets infected with the super drug!
Mohinder is a horrible spy!
Claire becomes relevant again!
Parkman grows a pair!! (That one was shocking enough for two exclamation points of wonder)
Molly wakes up!
Bob may or may not be evil!
Honestly, has anyone figured out his agenda yet? I haven't. Truly, he is a worthy of opponent for MEG.
Hiro is his own boyhood hero! (I totally called that, and I loved his little Ye-haa! yell)
Kensei is Adam!!!! I totally DID NOT call that one! Hiro helped create the Big Bad who's been actually controlling the Big Bad!! And also, he may or may not be evil.
Love that ambiguity.
I can't wait for next week, which promises to resolve even more plot issues. Yeah!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Morbidly Awesome

By all means, stick my ashes in that baby.
But you know, the casket from the Wrath of Kahn might make me change my mind:

Decisions, decisions.
Chocolate Covered Jeeps
Story with Pictures Here.
Now I love chocolate, but I don't think I could lick it off a car. Especially off the grill. Go outside and check out the grill of your car. I bet it's covered in mashed bug guts. I'm sure these chocolate covered jeeps were new, but I wouldn't be able to get over the psychological hang up of licking the grill.
I'd constantly be checking for crunchings and munchings.
Do you think they gave them glasses of milk? I mean that's a lot of chocolate to lick. Wouldn't your tongue go numb in self defense?
Bacon Scare!!!
"Hmmmm" I thought "tasty tasty bacon." Later I went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner, where I ordered a pizza with the following ingredients:
-Goat Cheese (yummy!)
-Sauteed red and yellow peppers
-Japanese Egg Plant (Also yummy! Surprisingly!)
-Crumbled applewood smoked bacon
It was soooo good. Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my monitor.
I also had a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel this morning, so obviously my love affair with bacon continues unabated.
So, what to have for lunch? BLT? Egg salad with Bacon? Turkey club? Fillet Mignon?!
What's your favorite bacon dish?
Friday Fun
Where did they get that thing? Is it homemade? A modified Vader costume spray painted? It fascinates me.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Dr. Eldritch's Helpful Halloween Hint
Dr. Eldritch's Tip of The Week:
This Tip of the Week is brought to you by Draekkar the Slaughterer, a 2,304-year-old Warrior-King, and the woman who channels him, Mrs. Edith Mims, of Dorking, Surrey, England: Crush the skulls of all who walk on the Night of Death, lest they be evil lich risen to feed upon your flesh! Wrap a paper tissue around your candy and secure it with an elastic band, add eyes with a felt pen, and it makes a "ghostly" Halloween treat the neighbor children will love!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halloween Fun
Foregoing that, here's the results of a BBC contest for Mysterious Memorials.
It's like a British ghost walk tour from the comfort of your PC.
Heroes-Now with more ambiguity
That's just the kind of dedicated blogger I am.
This episode was Parkman-free. Yeah!
Molly is still asleep.
PAY-tuh makes it to Montreal, and learns that once again the world is in peril. Instead of saving the cheerleader, this time he has to bring down The Company.
Last season had better catch phrases.
HRG and The Haitian reminded us why they were the best villains last season. The interrogation of the Russian was very La Femme Nikita-esque.
They find the rest of the paintings, but none of them are very helpful. HRG wonders "but what does it mean?"
I'm right there with ya pal.
Hiro has broken the space-time continuum. I have no idea where the writers are going with this. Will it give rise to an entire alternate history, and that's why NY is destroyed? Or will Hiro re-go back into time to inform his self to ditch the girl?
Who knows.
Mohinder takes a stand, and now Nikki is babysitting him. Or possibly Jessica. I think it's Nikki pretending to be Jessica. Or perhaps it's Jessica who's assimilated Nikki.
Gah! It's enough to give a girl a headache.
Copycat has an ipod and a one-woman mission to clean up New Orleans. That storyline would actually make for a really good comic. I'm glad she still has her powers. She's one of my favorite characters.
Sylar's still creepy. Maya is still dumb as a post. She's moved from "I killed them by accident so it's okay" to "I killed them because they were in my way, and that's okay."
I fear for the workers in the inevitable construction that will slow their road trip East.
Future Maya dialogue:
"They didn't turn the Stop sign to Slow fast enough. They had to die!!"
"What do you mean the canyon is closed?"
"Last rest stop for 100 miles? DIE!!!"
Monday, October 29, 2007
Go Joe!!
Today there's a really great article about the origins of GI Joe, who was based on a real WWII Marine.
It's an amazing story.
Later this week, I should receive the life altering confirmation letter that will signal my change from office ninja to mad scientist.
I can't wait. I intend to fully flip out with excitement.
Monday AMV
Here is an AMV about Kakashi, Naruto's teacher. He's pretty cool, especially considering the most you see of him is his one eye.
And just because we have been without for so long, here's an awesome fan made trailer for the Sasuke retrieval arc of Naruto.
Very cool.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Friday Fun-- Sans Video Again
But until then, here's an awesome recipe for Salted water for boiling.
Be sure to check out the reviews.
I haven't read all 776 of them, but the ones I've read so far have been hilarious.
Found via Metafilter.
UPDATE: I can't help myself, here are some of the awesome reviews:
From a new cook:
mbarnstein from the reisterstown valley I am unsure what type of salt to use. Sea. kosher or another that i am unware of? Also, pictures , diagrams and maybe even a video could be useful in making this easier to understand..
Not all reviews are positive:
Cook from boston, ma after a few spoonfuls, my whole family agreed that we had had enough, and we ended up tossing the rest. what a waste of perfectly good water and salt.
But people try to help:
A Cook from Philadelphia, PA Boston, Did you boil the water? It really helps bring out the flavor of the salt.
A Helpful Hint on prep:
kmennie from Ottawa A solid four-forker. Finally, a vegetarian entrée the omnivores love as well. NB: A mise en place really helps speed up the prep work.
ciacontra from Evian, France Like any recipe, this one is only as good as the ingredients you use. To make my SALTED WATER FOR BOILING I collected the individual snowflakes as they fell fresh from the winter sky. As I was concerned that the output from the local smelting plant might taint my water's purity, I was forced to go miles away from town, high into the mountains. The fact that it was July did not make it any easier, as I could only collect a a pint or so a day. By Fall, however, I had enough to get started on this delicious dish! Fortunately, as I daily trekked through the forest and into the mountains I collected the sweat from my brow. Upon my return each day I wrung my towel into a bottle, collecting the precious salty drops. I treat my body as a temple, so I figured my sweat would be holy. By the the time the leaves started to turn, I knew it was time to begin to extract the precious salt. I boiled it for hours and hours until I had several tablespoons of my holy salt. One of my neighbors banged on the door, shouting that I'd made the entire apartment building smell like feet, but I ignored them. They just didn't understand. I bottled my precious snow water and holy salt in champagne bottles and vacuum packs, respectively, and aged them in my wine seller for several years. How many, I am not sure, my landlord committed me after the foot-smell incident and they kept me heavily sedated. However, I tricked them and soon was back on my path to SALTED WATER FOR BOILING. At Christmas, I had over two dozen people over. Though they offered to bring side dishes and wine, I told them no thanks. I had a special treat in store. When I served the glorious culmination of all my efforts, I was shocked. They all left. They just didn't understand SALTED WATER FOR BOILING like I do...
So Practical:
KitsaWhiska from I'mnotkidding.SaltLakeCity I tried making a huge batch of this and freezing some for later. It not only freezes well, but can be reheated and taken to work for lunches when I'm too busy to make it fresh. I'll definitely make this for the next wedding shower I'm in charge of. If only I could buy this at fast-food restaurants. Goes well with Cheese.
Even celebrities like it:
Eyreka from Valencia, CA As Nicole Richie's chef, I prepare this on an almost daily basis and she can't get enough of it! She likes to pair it with a bottle of 1999 Valium, but I think a 2000 Percocet would go just as well.
Make it for the folks:
A Cook from Arizona I have searched every website on the net for the perfect recipe to prepare for my MOTHER-IN-LAW… and thanks to you, Epicurious, I have finally found it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am planning on doubling the amount of salt in the recipe.. does anyone know if this will work?
I hate seaweed too:
penguinjo1 from Pac NW OH MAN! I wish I had found this years ago! All this time I had been treking to the beach to get my salt water! I'm so glad I can make it at home now! Sea weed might be healthy for you but man does it get stuck in my teeth!
Here's one for Halloween:
A Cook from Rosemary's Baby This worked quite well for an exorcism we held last night, though I found I needed a double batch to really get out the demons.
One for the Hipsters:
jtfortin from Milwaukee, WI I read somewhere that Thomas Keller, Jean-Jorges Vongerichten, Daniel Boulud, and Mario Batali all have used this recipe at their restaurants with great success so I decided to offer it too. I decided on deconstructed salted water on my menu. On a plate I provide a small tea pot of water, a few tablespoons of kosher salt, and a sterno can. It is up to the customer to create their own "salted water" experience.
madameblue from Redmond, OR I was out of salt, so instead I siphoned four gallons from my salt-water fish tank. Not only did this save a step, but I found that the Moray eel bouquet added some interest. If you try this, be sure to test the salinity of your tank first.
A Cook This was just awful. I followed the directions exactly, but just ruined my stove. I went to and HER recipe said to first put the water in a pot. It just goes to show where cutting corners will get you.
This was just too poetic to pass up:
from woods hole, MA This heavenly recipe, ambrosia from above, rejuvenates the senses, especially in one who ails from an apoplexy of the spirit.... add a dash of oyster sauce, and you'll feel like you're in the briny blue sea....
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Dinner and a Show
BSA and I still met up for dinner though, and we went to Les Halles, a French restaurant on Penn Ave. Les Halles is Anthony Bourdain's restaurant, for those of you who may watch his show on the food network, and Les Halles also hosts the waiter race on Bastille Day.
I got oven roasted chicken breast stuff with goat cheese. It was very good. I've become quite fond of goat cheese. I love it's creamy texture and rich flavor. It also came with mashed potatoes, gravy, and spinach. BSA gave me a hard time about not finishing the Spinach, but come's spinach. Even buttery-garlic sauce can't change that. If fact, the only Spinach dish I've ever finished is Rasika's Palak Chaat, which is melt-in-your mouth amazing.
Afterwords, we went and saw a musical called "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" It was hilarious. Definitely PG-13, but sooo funny. The theater was decorated to look like a school gymnasium, complete with athletic honor flags celebrating "Putnam Piranhas Caber Toss" or "State Champions, Putnam Piranha Luge"
It's playing at the National Theater, whose interior is painted a shade of Turquoise normally only seen on beach houses. This caused one of the actors to ask "Have you ever seen a gymnasium that looked like the inside of a Tiffany's box?"
They also bring up audience members to play some of the kids participating in the bee. The moderators ad libbed wonderfully, coming up with "interesting facts" about the audience members. Like the guy with a full beard, "Tony is the first boy in his class to grow facial hair!" The audience members got easy words like "Mexican" and "Cow" until it was time for them to get disqualified, and then they'd get some extremely difficult word.
The last audience guy up, got his word, which was some ancient goat herding term, and totally nailed it! There was this pause while the actors looked at each other, and then everyone in the audience started cheering. They found another, even harder word for him, but it was still awesome.
My favorite parts were the sentences. Whenever the kids would ask "could you use it in a sentence?" the Vice Principal would come up with these awesome, implausible sentences that were no help whatsoever. Those were the best jokes.
My other favorite part, although it was a little sacrilegious, was when one of the girls starts praying during her turn at the mic, and Jesus shows up to answer.
The songs weren't really memorable. I have no inclination to go buy the soundtrack, but it was a very entertaining show. Definitely worth checking out.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Heroes-Now with Veronica Mars!
So our favorite teenage detective is still detecting, can shoot lightening from her hands, and is just the teensiest bit evil, in a fry patronizing Irish-men kind of way.
She's also still working for her dad.

No not that guy. Lightening powers. Evil. Bizarre cargo container plots? Obviously her Daddy is this guy.

The Diabolical Doctor Doom!! And Doom will not be stopped by a mere Irishman.
As the offspring of Doom, only the Fantastic Four will be able to stop her!
Let's see, we have the crazy "Invisible Woman" invisible guy, Claire's dead-beat "Human Torch" but no stretchy guy and no Thing... so I guess it's up to Peter. Or he could just run away to Canada.
I predict French in next week's episode.
Man, good thing Doom called her off.
Okay, let's round up this sucker:
Boring Psychic Cop Guy is an idiot. I realize this is hardly new, but it bears repeating.
Mohinder took Molly the sleeping Moppet to the Company, even though MEG and I both told him this was a bad idea.
Jessica is trying to kill Nikki!! Nikki is unhappy about this turn of events and nearly escapes. She would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for Mohinder and his little taser.
Thanks a lot Mohinder.
Cool tv girl now has a comic book and her hero name: Copy Cat!! Although, just as she's getting cool, Mohinder shows up to disappear her for Company medical research.
Thanks a lot Mohinder. Jerk.
Turns out Sauron is more like George Costanza from Seinfeld. So now I will refer to him as Evil George. We also learn where Parkman (Boring Cop Guy) gets his winning personality and manly physique.
But he can trap people in their nightmares, which is pretty cool.
Next week: Hiro takes on an army!
Honestly, that's all I can remember from this episode. What parts did you guys like?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Movie Reviews
I liked this movie, but I don't think everyone will. They didn't take as many liberties with history as they did in the first Cate Blanchett Elizabeth movie (Title: Elizabeth) which was nice, because I managed to resist the temptation to point out all the factual errors.
I'm sure the people with me appreciated it.
It was a very pretty movie. It was like the director thought to himself, "You know. Everyone already knows how the story ends (spoiler: Spain loses) but I have Cate Blanchett, and I have all these amazing costumes, so why not just make everything gorgeous."
Some of my favorite scenes: Elizabeth in a beautiful green dress positioning military units on an enormous map; Elizabeth in armor, delivering the historic speech modern screenwriters would have preferred her to give instead of her actual historic speech; and the Spanish Armada putting out to sea.
For some of the more squeamish among you: there is a scene of a guy getting his tongue cut out, some unpleasant torture scenes and one booty shot.
There's this whole romance sub-plot with Sir Walter Raleigh, because you simply can't make an Elizabeth docu-drama unless she's bravely pining for someone she can't have. It's like a Hollywood law or something.
The part that struck me, just because it was so accurate but not in the way the plot intends, is when Elizabeth discovers that one of her handmaidens has married without her consent and completely flips out.
That happened a couple of times during her reign. That was the one scene where I thought, "Here's the Elizabeth I've read and studied about. This is Henry VIII's daughter."
I also saw Dave in Real Life. Which was very cute. A great family movie that is all about relationships and love and values and all that warm and fuzzy stuff.
I just know more about Elizabeth than being a widower/advice columnist with three girls looking for love in middle age, so I can't really go into as much detail here.
It was pretty dang hilarious though.
How Adorable Are These?

Here's the recipe.
How fun! I'm a huge vampire fan. The reason I dislike the Twighlight books is because of the human main character.
Edward's cool.
Monday-Feeling the Pain
Saturday I spent most of the day packing. I discovered the Secret Boxelder Bug Graveyard behind my bookcase (gross) and tossed out two bags of trash. That's the one good thing about moving, it forces me to re-evaluate my hording choices.
I need a few more boxes, for clothes and what not, then we'll move our stuff into storage this coming Saturday. Then we'll be crashing with a friend for three weeks unitl the townhouse is available.
Best. People. Ever.
And just to make it the best Monday ever, after a weekend of packing and hauling boxes, I went to the dentist this morning. I also have a Krav Maga class this afternoon, and I'm sure the mouth guard will feel simply lovely.
I really need to work on my scheduling choices.
Let's see, this weekend I saw Elizabeth and Dave in Real Life, so I'll have reviews a little later. Right now I have to think of something soft I can gum down for lunch.
Wednesday I'm going to see a musical called "The Spelling Bee." I know nothing about it, but it's a musical about spelling. So I'm sure it will be awesome.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday Fascinating
However, I have found a fascinating article at Newsarama about June Foray, the voice artist for Witch Hazel from Looney Tunes and Rocky the Squirrel.

Bugs Bunny: Aren't you ashamed of yourself, roastin' children!
Witch Hazel: Call it a weakness.
Witch Hazel is one of my all time favorite Looney Tune characters, and her voice actress is an amazing lady.
Take some time and read the article here.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oh Man...
They've closed the roads in both directions. It's going to make the evening commute a living nightmare.
I'm sure it's a bad sign that my first reaction to this kind of news is to think of what it's going to do to traffic, but man, I don't want to spend hours trying to get home tonight.
Honestly, I was watching Heroes, and when Flyboy took Claire to the Hollywood sign, I thought "That's awesome. He doesn't have to worry about traffic."
Dr. Eldritch Horoscopes!
Dr. Eldritch's Tip of The Week:
Careful what you sign! Many Signature Gatherers for petitions or ballot measures actually present you with an agreement to hand over your Soul. Read carefully!
Your astrological forecast for October 17 – 23rd, 2007 is as follows:
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Bring in the Stunt Double! Your Mercury (the Perky Planet) is at a low ebb, so take your personal-replica android from the closet, dust it off and send it out to be you for a while. You'll be all the happier for it, and may be at home for a mysterious phone call! Expect deception from an Aries.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Lawsuits from Beyond the Grave! What do you know of your ancestors? You may be asked to settle a 600-year-old legal battle. Consult a lawyer skilled in 15th-Century Law, and you may come out on top. If you don't, you could lose half your sheep or maybe a bunch of fardels. A Gemini gives a gift!
PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): Eureka! Saturn's pull is particularly strong for you, which may cause you to wake up from an odd dream and find that you've brought a device back with you from the Dream State. A Be-Smart Ray? Teleportation device? Or maybe the Ultimate Karaoke Machine! Wouldn't that be great? Surprising kindness from a Capricorn!
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19): Beware the Trickster! Do you know the Brazilian Diplomat Scam? Well, you may become all too familiar with it. The stars aren't clear whether you'll be victim or accomplice, but signs indicate that you'll be the one stuck with a truckload of fake mustaches. Socialize with an Aquarius now.
TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20): Visions! An interesting confluence puts you in touch with the Moon's oracular powers. When you meet people, you may see a vision of what they'll be doing exactly one week in the Future! You'll learn that most people's lives are very, very repetitious. Pity, that. Put trust in a Pisces.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Oh, Bad Luck! Your Most Embarrassing Habit that you don't want anyone to know about may be displayed on the evening news. Hopefully they won't also show that thing you do at work when you think nobody's looking. Charming a Scorpio helps!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Spring Romance! How sweet! Have you been looking for your One True Love? The fudge topping to your ice cream? A pairing of Kindred Souls may be in your future, but your soulmate may not be exactly, um, human. Keep an open mind! Not all romances with the Faerie Folk are doomed. A Taurus helps keep you safe.
LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): What's the opposite of March Madness? This will be the Doldrums of the Supernatural for you. Just nothing going on. Zero. Zip. Nada. So if you think you see ghosts, pixies, monsters, or mythical creatures, it's merely your imagination. Expect white lies from an Aries.
VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Not just for Daylight! Have you ever thought about building a Time Saving device where wasted minutes and seconds can be gathered up to be used later, like to give yourself several extra hours before a deadline? Well, perhaps you should. You'll meet an interesting Leo!
LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): This is a good week to participate in the Neighborhood Watch program, because your neighbors are going to be doing some intriguing things! Of course, you may learn secrets you'd rather not know about. And keep your curtains closed, in case others who read this horoscope who might watch you! Give a Scorpio a tasty snack.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Do you frequently use a particular ATM? The one you visit most often may decide it doesn't like you, leading to problems with your financial transactions. Make up a happy song and sing it to your ATM to appease it. Pay no attention to the people in line behind you. Does a Virgo catch your eye?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Great News! Neptune leaves the sign of the Tired Monkey, and enters the constellation of the Oddly-Shaped Rock! Your recent study of ancient Mayan astrology should tell you exactly what to do now to reap great rewards! (Please disregard this notice if you haven't been studying ancient Mayan astrology.) The Jaguar King blesses your next move! Finally, straight talk from an Aquarius.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Today is World Bread Day
Unfortunately, we're house hunting again tonight, so I won't have time for kitchen adventures.
Maybe I could make cookies. Do cookies count as bread? They use flour, so I say "Close enough!"
On a completely unrelated note, check out these awesome chocolate chili death heads.
Found via Tastespotting
Heroes--Where's Hiro edition
Micah's grandma is Lt. Uhara! Yeah! She's so classy.
Micah steals pay per view, and we learn that his cousin has the coolest power ever. She can learn anything that she sees on tv. As a tv junkie, this appeals to me. I'd start with the food network, rent a few kung fu movies, then on to the history channel or discovery.
You could do ANYTHING.
Moutain Man Nate has kids. I totally forgot about them. He also shaved his beard. Thank heavens.
Ma Petrelli takes one for the team. I'm starting to see her as a kinder, gentler Magneto. We still have no idea what her power is though.
Molly the Moppet alternated between waking and sleeping, confusing everybody until, at one point, Mohinder put her to bed in jeans and a hoodie.
That just can't be comfortable. Seriously, have you ever tried sleeping in a hoodie?
Of course, thanks to Psychic Jerk she's now in a coma, and so will be unconscious for the foreseeable future.
I think that when they cast Molly, they brought in a bunch of little girls, had them lay down on mats, and then played "Graveyard" with the winner getting the part.
Boring Psychic Jerk Cop Guy (Parkman) discovers that his Dad is Sauron.
That Nerd Guy's name is Bob! It seems so appropriate.
Claire and Flyboy steal yet another iconic Superman image and kiss in the air. What's next Heroes? Jessicki in a patirotic leotard?
Mr. Evil Glasses can not die. I'm just ignoring that all stupid plot line. He Can't DIE!! Dang it!
The Wonder Twins replayed the exact same storyline they've played since the pilot.
It goes something like this:
Girl: We will get to America than everything will be great!
Boy: I'll protect you.
Girl: The murder charge is such a total bummer. It's not like a meant to hurt them, so it shouldn't count. Pass the pringles.
Boy: We're out.
Girl: *sniff sniff* *whimper* (Her eyes go all creepy black, people start dropping.)
Boy: Calm down! Soon we'll be in NY and you can have all the pringles you want!
(He holds her hands, they do that wierd black eye transfer, people start coming back to life.)
Rinse and repeat. I'm guessing we'll see this all the way up until the finale.
And in the night's most frustrating event:
Sylar walked through a tropical jungle for three days, before falling through a massive plot hole and landing in the middle of a road in the Mexican desert.
I'm so sick of Sylar. They should have killed him off last season. Let's ignore his storyline too and skip straight to the previews.
Next week: VERONICA MARS!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday AMV
Friday, October 12, 2007
Friday Fun
I don't really like Toph's Chibi, but I love that she uses mountain ranges to create an outline of her face that you can see from space.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Metro Gymnast
If I miss it I catch the next train 7 minutes later. You'd be surprised how much of the rush hour crush increases within that 7 minutes.
So last night I was walking down the escalator (it was broken) and I see the early train, and the conductor is giving the "Stand clear doors are closing" warning. But he's still at the beginning, and there's no one on the escalator, and no one on the platform, and I thought "I can totally make it."
So I started running. Raced down the escalator, slid around the turn, took a few running steps and then leaped towards the car, sticking the landing with a triumphant "HA!" just as the doors slid close.
(If the doors catch you, they hurt alot. I learned this during a less successful jump on the train attempt)
Anyway, all the people sitting around the doors swiveled around to look at me, and the guy sitting across from the doors burst out laughing. Probably because he could see my victorious "I made the train!! Take that Metro!!" face.
I was little embarrassed at being stared at, so I made my way, non-chalantly of course, to the front of the car and sat down.
I snuck a peek behind, and the guy was still watching and laughing at me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fortunatley, I have perfected the office ninja art of becoming one with the cubicle.
That, and I've stocked my candy dish with Reese's PB cups, his favorite, and thus have been spared.