Friday, May 12, 2006

Deadly Plot: FOILED!

As a ninja, discovering and evading deadly traps is considered part of a normal work day. As an office ninja, these traps often take the form of "The Empty Printer Cartridge of Doom," "The Sadistic Stapler," and the dreaded "15 Minute Before Closing Project Drop Off." Fortunately through my excellent supply acquisition skills and masterly evasion techniques, these traps no longer hold any terror for me. But imagine my surprise when I discovered an actual Deadly Trap this morning.

The following story is not for the faint of heart.

I was stationed at my post, guarding the west hallway and working on a spreadsheet (even modern ninjas can benefit from a database. How else can you prove to the ninja masters that your pro-active, non-linear ninja activity and dynamic outside-the-box thinking has produced a significant decrease in evil warlord activity through the last three quarters?) When a tiny harbringer of disease-riddled death scurried across my desk. Yes, it's truly horrifying, but a bright red tick, no bigger than a pin head, was racing straight for my mousepad. Fortunately my cat-quick reflexes kicked in and I squished him with extreme prejudice, leaving nothing but a bloody smear to mark his futile effort.

"But!" I can hear you gasp, "Corbeau, I thought you worked downtown in the middle of a major metropolitan center, surrounded by a jungle of concrete and steel as you fight evil warlords from the top floor of a building with security guards, intimidating receptionists, and bathrooms that require keys! This is not the natural habitat of the tick!"

This is true. Obviously a rival ninja has managed to discover my post, infiltrate a city park, stalk likely nesting grounds until he could collect a specimen with his ninja tweezers, and slip past my building's numerous and stalwart defenses to deposit this little bag of bio-toxins at my work station.

Truly a fiendishly clever foe. And for those of you who want to know what ninja tweezers look like:


Anonymous said...

holy blood-sucking bugs batman! i'm like way grossed out! some things just DO NOT belong in the world as we know it like: tics, cockroaches, maggots....where's a flame thrower when you need it!

corbeau said...

I found a site that showed how to build your own flamethrower from PVC pipe. But I think smuggling it into the office would tax even my mighty ninja skills.

W.W. said...

First of all lets use some logic here. PCP pine and fire? Am I the only one getting this? Second of all I would really hate to see a world with out maggots. The pigs would still be floating.

corbeau said...

Hey he managed to pull it off. This is probably where I should post a link.

There you go.

W.W. said...

Yes, but for how long. If I want a flame thrower, I want one that will last a good while, so I could either make my escape or make one.

corbeau said...

I think if you have a functioning flame thrower making a discreet, sneaky escape is pretty much a moot point.

W.W. said...

Yes, but could it last when I would be burning ditches?

corbeau said...

Sure!! That sounds like fun.
Flame on!