Thursday, April 12, 2007

Random Thought

You know, sometimes you just have to get up in the morning, face yourself in the mirror and finally admit that you will never be able to make a decent loaf of bread.

But it's okay. Because other people can make bread, and there's a good chance that you'll find the soft, new nutty loaf in the office kitchen, along with a stick of sweet butter.

And brownies.

And oatmeal cookies.

And these little paper-thin wafer-ish sugar cookies in the shape of bunnies, eggs and little duckies.

Note to self: Don't gleefully bite the head of the sugar cookie duckie in front of more sensitive coworkers. They seem to find it disturbing.


Anonymous said...

that's what breadmakers are for. they handle all of the mysteries weird ingredients like yeast. after an incredible flat french bread, i gave up hands on and turned to my breadmaker friend.

W.W. said...

What did she want you to do just admire the chocolatly duck from a distance?

corbeau said...

It wasn't chocolatey, it was a sugar cookie. Apparently you're supposed to start from the tail-end or something. I don't know. I always eat the head first. It's just the way I roll.

W.W. said...

Strange as this may seem, but it is nice that we do not all share the same hemegony. So go with it.