Friday, September 05, 2008


Wonder Woman wanted to know my thoughts about Sarah Palin. I don't post politics normally, but this lovely bit of awesomeness has been floating around the internet, and it's worth sharing.

I think her nomination is exciting. I love having a conservative woman on the ticket, and I love how she's handled herself against all the smears and awfulness that people have thrown at her.

Here's some highlights from her acceptance speech:


Know what else is exciting?

I have tickets to Les Mis at Wolftrap this weekend. Wolftrap is a national park, and a beautiful concert/show venue.

Know what else is coming this weekend?

Tropical Storm Hannah

Tropical Storm + Outdoor Venue = Excitement. . . and possible flooding.

Fortunately I'm in covered seats, so as long as the wind doesn't get too bad we should be okay. I'm pretty inland.

I hope.


Nanette said...

Oh no! You be careful!

W.W. said...

Have fun !!!

tiff said...

I agree, Palin is exciting. It's just so refreshing to see someone who isn't trying to push every envelop in the name of "tolerance" and who actually seems to have developed some personal integrity that she has used IN OFFICE.

Crazy. But that's politics for you.

Oh yeah, how was your tropical storm venue?